Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Traveling Sketchbooks (Caietele calatoare)

Some time ago I invited my readers to join me in a "Traveling Sketchbooks" challenge.
In urma cu ceva timp am lansat cititorilor mei provocarea de a crea un fel de cerc al "Caietelor calatoare".

3 people responded and now we are ready to send our handmade books around the world to experience other artists' work.
Au raspuns 3 persoane, iar acum suntem gata sa trimitem caietele cusute manual in jurul lumii mentru a experimenta munca altor artisti.

Meet mine : "EARTH LOVE"

earth love sketchbook - details
I borrowed the name from one of my favorite paper collections: Earth Love by Cosmo Cricket
L-am denumit dupa una din colectiile mele preferate de hartie: Earth Love de Cosmo Cricket

earth love sketchbook cover
The cover features some patterned cardsstock I found in my stash that matches the theme. I think it's Basic Gray.
The label is from the Earth Love Craft Kit by Cosmo Cricket and sums up some of the things that could be added to this book.

Coperta e dintr-un carton asortat cu tema (cred ca e marca Basic Gray). Eticheta face parte din Earth Love Craft Kit de Cosmo Cricket si exemplifica cateva lucruri care pot fi reprezentate in caiet.

earth love sketchbook inside
The inside pages...
well.... they are a surprise and also a challenge for the participating artists. I didn't make them all the same size so there is room for a lot of creativity: one can add or cut from them, make multiple page interactive creations and... who knows? I am soooo looking forwasd to seeing what everyone comes up with!

Paginile interioare... am vrut sa fie deopotriva o surpriza si o provocare. De aceea nu le-am facut la fel. Ele pot fi folosite la dimensiunea lor, adaugate, taiate, se pot crea lucrari interactive intinse pe mai multe pagini... cine stie? Abia astept sa vad ce idei vor avea fetele!

The media:
Since everyone has different favorite medias, there's no limit to this. I made my book from a paper that supports everything from water to dry media.

Caietul e realizat dintr-o hartie care suporta atat medii umede cat si uscate, deci nu va exista nici o restrictie in privinta acesta.


  1. i like it! si hartia cu pasarele e fff sweet!

  2. Anonymous23 June, 2010

    Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [23 Jun 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. LOVE THIS... I wish I had known you a long time ago... I love doing traveling books... or even slideins.. where the book stays with the owner and the pages go to the person who is making the book.. LOve this... maybe I can join you next time you start one... please remember... depending on shipping costs... but hey... art is worth it... right...
    Your book is delightful... and when it comes back it will be even prettier with all that loves it gathers along the way... wow... love it all.. So glad I have met you...

    I also belong to a group.. .and we have just finished our first round of books... (my blog where they can be seen... www.artbetweenthe pages.blogspot.com ) hope you enjoy the books... I also have a fat book group.. take a look at those books... always fun too..

    Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  4. Meda, I'm sorry that I missed the original post. However, your idea is oh so original and special! I know that each of you will be blessed by the completed project!


  5. hi Meda
    I love your book and what a wonderful idea to see what other artists are doing.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what comes back to you.
    Hope all is well with you.
    hugs, Valerie


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