Friday, July 2, 2010

My favorite Green Wedding Invitations (Invitatii de nunta verzi - preferatele mele)

green wedding invitations
Sipped yesterday... They were a feast t watch (all 260 of them :)
First time using the Floral Fantasy folder on a wedding invitation.

Expediate ieri... O adevarata placere de privit (toate 260 :)
Prima data cand folosesc modelul Floral Fantasy la invitatii.


  1. Gorgeous invitations, Meda. Just so you know I haven't forgotten your birthday. I'm going to be a little late. I've been busy the last few weeks with Girl Scout day camp. So Happy Birthday and my card will be on it's way soon (with the canceled postage that I promised to send back)!

  2. soooo... e ziua ta?! la multi ani !!! :* si multe binecuvantari
    cat despre invitatiile verzi... imi plac de numa. sunt asa proaspete! good job, girl :)

  3. Meda,

    These invitations make me want to have another ceremony for my husband and I ... just so we could send these out! I love them. SUCH beautiful work.

    We will have to find another occasion. :)

  4. absolutely stunning! love the colors

    hugs, Valerie

  5. like it!!! super woman!:)))) imi place ca ai folsit panglica lata nu una ingusta!

  6. Those green letters are so neat. It is so mild to the eyes. The color is great. Overall It is an amazing card.

  7. valentina03 July, 2010

    Te urmaresc de multa vreme si faci lucruri minunate, iar astazi pe langa faptul ca invitatiile sunt superbe, nu am putut sa nu remarc funda facuta impecabil. Cum reusesti?

  8. Very beautiful invitations :)

  9. Valentina, am fost intrebata de multe ori cum reusesc sa fac fundele.
    Pe langa o tehnica pe care am descoperit-o in timp e nevoie de mult exercitiu. Eu am legat mii. Numai saptamana trecuta 260. Si sa nu uit: dureaza 2 minute/buc.

  10. Valentina07 July, 2010

    Sunt sigura ca e vorba de exercitiu, si eu am facut multe, insa trebuie sa imi gasesc si eu tehnica:). Am o carde dedicata fundelor si o sa o studiez. Keep up the good work:)

  11. I enjoyed stopping by you blog today, you have many stunning makes

    enjoy your weekend, Sarah x

  12. So beautiful! Green is my absolute favorite color! These are like a dream wedding invitation to me!

  13. SUPERBE!!!!
    Si eu am nunta anul aceste si de cand am vazut invitatiile tale numai la ele imi sta capul...
    Cum pot lua legatura cu tine?

  14. Ai adresa mea de mail pe coloana din dreapta. Acum plec in vacanta, dar putem vorbi dupa 1 august.


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