Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gold and White Invitations and Real Wedding Pictures (Invitatii alb cu auriu si poze de la nunta)

When I first talked with the groom about their white and gold wedding invitations, it didn't sound very attractive to my tastes...
Cand am discutat prima data cu mirele despre invitatiile lor alb cu auriu, gusturile mele nu erau prea incantate.

This is how my story about this wedding begins.
Asa incepoe povestea mea despre acesta nunta.

I worked closely with the bride and groom who also happens to be brother of one of my very good friends. In the end this isthe invitation that we came up with:
Am lucrat indeaproape cu mireasa si mirele, frate cu o foarte buna prietena de-a mea, iar invitatia la care am ajuns impreuna este acesta:

gold and cream wedding inviattion with butterfly
It ended up being cream and gold...
Pana la urma a ajund crem cu auriu...

gold and cream wedding inviattion with butterfly inside

Table numbers and envelope holders. (Numere de masa cu rol de suporturi pentru plicuri)

I also made some matching table numbers that would hold the money envelopes.
Am mai facuta ceste numere de masa in forma de cort cu rolul de a tine plicurile pentru bani.

Here they are before being mounted. Cutting and adhering those tiny numbers took quite some time!
Iata-le intainte sa fie montate. Taiatul si mai ales lipitul acelor numere minuscule mi-a luat ceva timp!

Guest book. (Cartea de oaspeti)

The bride also asked me to decorate their store-bought guest book. Wow! I haven't done such simple jobs in a long time! And I do like the outcome.
Mireasa m-a rugat sa le decorez si o carte de oaspeti pe care o aveau deja cumparata. Wow! Nu mai facusem de mult asa lucrare usoara si sunt chiar multumita de rezultat.

The wedding. (Nunta)

The wedding was organized by my friend Bianca from Ermiona who sent me these lovely pictures.
Nunta a fost organizata de prietena mea Bianca de la Ermiona care mi-a trimis acceste minunate fotografii.

More photos from Eliza & Paul's wedding here.
Mai multe poza de la nunta lui Paul cu Eliza aici.


  1. f fain aranjamentul cu scaunele ...parca e din alta poveste:) frumoase invitati!

  2. beautiful! I am not personally a white and gold fan, but it came out beautifully! Everything you touch turns to "gold" ;)

  3. Meda you are amazing! Everything is just so beautiful
    hugs, Valerie

  4. PRECIOSAS the gold butterflies give a great touch. I like them a lot. And the altered guest book is brilliant.

  5. The invitations look great! Very beautiful.


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