Monday, August 16, 2010

"Nunta de Aluminiu" (The Aluminium Wedding)

I couldn't pass indifferently about their story...

Mirela & Mihai have decided to gather aluminum cans and raise money to organize their wedding from selling these cans.

I thought this was such a great idea!
I don't drink any canned drinks, but I do have lots of paper and I hate throwing it to the bin, specially since we don't have separate collecting so, guys, when you make your wedding invitations I will have some free paper for you that I can't throw away because the sheets are too big to call scraps, and too small for my large square invitations.

Please check their blog for more information about how you can help them.


In acest articol as vrea sa va prezint o poveste pe langa care nu am putut trece cu indiferenta.

Mirela si Mihai au decis sa stranga bani pentru organizarea nuntii lor vanzand cutii de aluminiu pe care altii le arunca in mediul inconjurator.

Eu nu consum astfel de produse, insa am foarte multa hartie ramasa de la invitatii. Colile sunt prea mici pentru inviatiile mari, patrate pe care le realizez, dar prea mari pentru a fi numite resturi. Ma gandesc de mult sa creez ceva modele de inviattii "eco" din aceasta hartie asa ca, Mirela si Mihai, cand va faceti invitatiile puteti apela la mine pentru hartie gratis.

Aflati mai multe despre cum puteti contribui la acest proiect vizitand blogul "Nunta de Aluminiu".


  1. That's super cool! Love it!

  2. What a great idea ! Recycling is the way to go !


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.