Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parisian Chic Invitation

I began designing this invitation back in June when we had the cuttlebug Wedding Affaire week.
I thought it was too much with all the ruffles, black butterfly and fancy cutting. Then I decided to finish making it and finally here it is on the blog.

I canoot imagine myself making 100 of these :) But I do love it.

Am creat modelul acesta in iunie cu o cazia cuttlebug Wedding Affaire week, dar mi s-a parut ca e prea-prea cu panglica incretita, fluture negru, taieturi complicate. In cele din urma am hotarat sa o finalizez si iat-o pe blog. Chiar nu ma imaginez facand 100 de astfel de invitatii, dar imi place cum arata.

[Edit]: This is my second entry for the Craft Garden October Challenge. Too bad there are only 2 entries allowed. I have another pink ribbon invitation to show you probably tomoroow.


  1. Vai, cat e de finuta. Chic de chic.

  2. Chiar ca arata bine! Si imi imaginez cat ai lucrat la ea :) dar merge si de felicitare foarte bine... cand ma intorc in India fac si eu fluturasi negri...arata super :) negru cu roz... iar nu m-as fi gandit la combinatia asta.

  3. imi place hartia cu designul gri! iar de culori ce sa mai:D black and pink RULZZZZ~

  4. WOW GORGEOUS ! Probably one of my favorites from your work :D


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