Sunday, February 17, 2013

Texture Love: Pink Velvet Invitations ( Invitatii cu catifea roz pentru iubitorii de textura)

I love texture. Without going into details about texture in my life and work, I just want to show you an invitation that makes me think "texture" every time I look at it. The story of this design is simple: the bride wanted something pink that would include velvet. Everything else was just details that gave it a finished look.

Imi place sa ma joc cu texturi. Dar pentru ca nu e nici locul nici timpul potrivit pentru a vorbi despre texturi va las cu aceste invitatii a caror poveste e simpla: trebuia sa aiba roz si catifea. De cate ori ma uit la ele, primul lucru care ma intampina e minunata lor textura, ceea ce am si incercat sa surprind mai inati in poze.

I have a few work-in-progress pictures as I was trying to capture the feeling these stacks of fine ivory paper and soft velvet gave me.

Iata si cateva poze din timpul asamblarii invitatiilor.


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