Monday, February 18, 2013

Delicate and Vintage (Delicat si de demult)

I think these two words are enough to describe Iuliana's wedding invitations.

Cred ca cele doua cuvinte sunt indeajuns pentru a descrie inviattiile Iulianei.

Her design also has a special place in my heart because of the use of monochrome which has  lately been one of my favorite color techniques.
I love working with one color in multiple shades and textures and Iuliana has allowed me to do just that with her invitations, then added contrast with the vintage floral pattern and brown flower on the envelope.  We used pearls for the flower centers to balance the delicacy of the invitation.

Acest model ocupa un loc special in inima mea pentru ca foloseste tehnica monocromiei, care imi e foarte draga in ultimul timp. Poti crea lucruri minunate folosind mai multe nunate ale aceleiasi culori si jucandu-te totodata cu diverse texturi.

I almost forgot the money envelopes.

Era sa uit plicurile de bani.

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