Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Time to Slow Down (E timpul sa o iau mai incet)

Last night as I was driving home I realized I was going slower than usual and didn't feel like going faster, so I pulled to the right and drove on at my convenient speed.
It was the second day I felt like leaving the studio early because I was tired.

All this can only mean one thing: it's time to give you the big news. We are expecting our second son at the end of April.
We haven't decided on a name yet and we are totally unprepared given my husband's shoulder surgery. We need to redecorate and get a new bed for Iona, extra car seat and all the other little things needed for a new family member.

On top of all this, I feel I need to slow down on my work. So, until further news I will no longer be taking new orders for custom design. My team can handle the production for existing design, and I will be around for communication as much as possible. I don't plan on taking a long maternity break and I am currently looking for a new studio space closer to home. But these are just plans and you never know when life has something different in store for you.


De la Craciun ma tot pregatesc sa va spun marea veste, dar nu am gasit niciodata formula. Aseara insa, venind spre casa, am tras pe banda dreapta sa las sa treaca o masina care venea in spatele meu. Dupa ce a trecut am vazut ca avea un semn de incepator de vreo 15 cm diametru. Lasand la o parte restul detaliilor, se pare ca organismul meu imi spune ca trebuie sa o las mai moale cu munca, avand in vedere ca in putin peste 2 luni asteptam al doilea copil.

Asadar, incepand de azi nu voi mai lua comenzi pentru modele noi de invitatii. Colegii mei se pot descurca cu productia pentru modelele deja existente, iar eu voi fi disponibila pentru comunicare. Nu intentionez sa-mi iau un concediu prea lung, doar atat cat e nevoie, si sunt in cautarea unui spatiu mai aproape de casa pentru atelier, insa cum nu se stie ce-ti rezerva viata, prefer sa nu incurc pe nimeni.


  1. Felicitari si sarcina usoara!

  2. Felicitari Meda!
    Parca ma bucur pentru mine!
    pup si sarcina usoara!

  3. Multumesc. Oare de ce numai "parca"?

  4. feeeeliiiiicitariiiiiiii. ce bine iti sta

  5. Merci,Lolly, esti o darguta!

  6. Pentru ca simt sincer ca ma bucur pentru tine ca si cum m-as bucura pentru mine!
    e de bine, e de bine....

  7. Congratulations, Meda. What wonderful news.


  8. Congratulations Meda!!!


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