It is time I showed you one of the most feminine invitations I made this summer. They were for my friend Rebeca and she wanted something "pink but not too pink", something personal, square shape, vellum envelopes and I can go on. I had a hard time getting to what she wanted, especially because the first image I tried to work with (their hands and wedding rings) did not suit the layout very well. I the tried this one (a b/w image of the couple) and made it pink enough but not too pink :) The original background was black so it was very pink when I aded the color overlay. What I finally did was to cut out the background which left me with only the central part coloured in pink, the rest being white.
The invitation has 2 layers: the top velum layer with the couple picture printed on it and the bottom layer with the text. The layers are held together with a bow made of pink organza ribbon.
The envelopes are handmade from a white striped velum and their corners are cut with decorative scissors to reveal the beautiful organza bow.
In the end, you know me: I was very happy with the result and I am glad I worket so hard to achieve it.
E timpul sa va prezint una dintre cele mai "feminine" invitatii pe care le-am facut vara aceasta. Au fost pentru prietena mea Rebeca care a dorit niste invitatii roz, dar nu foarte roz, sa contina elemente personale, sa fie patrate, sa aiba plicuri din hartie de calc si lista poate continua. A fost destul de dificil sa realizez ceea ce isi dorea, mai ales pentru ca poza cu care am incercat sa lucrez initial (mainile mirilor cu verighete) nu se potrivea foarte bine modelului de invitatie patrat. In cele din urma am incercat-o pe acesta cu portretul cuplului (imagine alb-negru) si i-am dat o tenta roz "dar nu foarte roz". Fondul original era negru care s-a transformat intr-un roz puternic asa ca am fost nevoita sa decupez portretele in programul meu de editare foto si sa las doar alb in jurul lor.
Invitatia are 2 straturi: calcul pe care e tiparita poza si sub el un carton alb simplu pe care e tiparit textul. Cele 2 straturi sunt legate cu o funda din panglica de organza.
Plicurile sunt facute manual dintr-o hartie de calc cu dungulite albe, avand colturile taiate cu o foarfeca decorativa pentru a lasa loc funditei de organza.
In final, ma stiti deja, am fost foarte multumita de rezultat si ma bucur de munca depusa pentru a-l obtine.
Meda, you did it again! I love this and to use a piccie of a couple kissing is a super terrific idea! It's very soft and elegant! I love it!
Oh my word ... this must be truly delightful IRL, Meda! I can just imagine the layers and the 'depth'! Surely the couple was very happy with this ... I know that I would have been delighted!
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