This is a still life in watercolor I painted at art school this autumn (50x70 cm, 19.6x27.5 inch). It was quite challenging to do the Indian corn but I did learn a lot from painting it. As always, my watercolors don't look like watercolors. I wonder if that's good or bad, if I should keep trying or switch to oil painting.
Also I have a QUESTION for you all: should I keep posting my paintings here or I should have a special blog for my paintings? I was thinking that my blog might have gotten uninteresting for both paper crafters and painters because it does not have a dedicated content, then I think my blog is a place where I can be found with all that I am in just one place. Please give me your opinion about this so I can make a decision. Thank you!
Natura statica in acuarela pictata azi-toamna la scoala (50x70 cm). A fost o provocare sa pictez porumbul, dar pana la urma am invatat mult din asta.
Ca de obicei, lucrarea nu pare a fi pictata in acuarela si ma intreb daca asta e o problema sau nu, daca ar trebui sa mai insnt incercand sa-mi schimb stilul sau sa trec la pictura in ulei.
De asemenea am o INTREBARE: ar trebui sa-mi fac un blog dedicat picturii sau sa le postez in continuare pe acest blog intercalat cu felicitari invitatii si alte lucruri de genul acesta? Ma gandesc ca ar fi mai bine sa am cate un blog pentru fiecare din cele 2 domenii, insa, pe de alta parte intr-un singur blog se poate concentra mai bine tot ceea ce sunt. M-as bucura foarte mult daca mi-ati spune si parerile voastre. Multumesc!
Happy New Year Layout by Inessa Persekian
6 hours ago
1 comment:
wow, beautiful paintings! As for your question, I used to paint (acrylic) but only papercraft now (no time for it all) so I don't mind seeing both, although I am partial to paper crafts!
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