These hummingbird invitations are one of my dearest designs of 2015 which is why I am going to dedicate it 2 more future posts.
{RO} Aceste invitatii cu tema colibri sunt unul din modelele mele preferatele mele din 2015, de aceea voi mai vorbi despre ele in 2 articole viitoare.
I made these beautiful for Isabelle Marie's christening. (can anyone enlighten me with the correct term? My USA custommers call it
'Baptism' while those in UK call it
Part of the merit for the design belongs to Alice, Isabelle's mother who is very creative herself (I will tell you more about it in a future post). She managed to explain what she wanted while giving be enough creative liberty so that I could do my best work possible.
The reason I love this invitation so much is that it allowed me to showcase my passion for watercolor. I started with the watercolor illustration of a hummingbird and fuchsia. This is all it's left of it now, but I did manage to clean it in Photoshop.
{RO} Am creat aceste frumoase invitatii pentru botezul lui Isabelle Marie. Un mare merit in realizarea lor il are mama ei. Pe langa faptul ca e la randul ei o persoana foarte creativa, Alice a stiut sa-mi indice ceea ce dorea, lasandu-mi totodata libertate creativa.
In plus, am avut ocazia sa-mi manifest pasune apentru acuarela ilustrand pasarea colibri. Doar asta a mai ramas acum din biata mea ilustratie. Din fericire am reusit sa o curat in Photoshop.
The custom hummingbird seal and the hand stamped envelope liner are details that make this invitation even more special.
{RO} Interiorul plicului stampilat manual precum si sigiliul de ceara personalizat dau o nota distinctiva acestei inviatii si o fac sa fie cu atat mai speciala.
You can order these invitations through my
Etsy shop or
direct e-mail.
{RO} Puteti comanda invitatiile pein
magazinul meu Etsy sau
direct prin e-mail, in curand si prin