Monday, September 5, 2016

Winter Wedding Invitations (Invitatii de Iarna)

As a stationer I am living each season in advance as I am always  making invitations for the next season. So here we are at the beginning of autumn and my studio is starting to 'dress' in winter embellishments.

[RO] Ca si designer de papetarie traiesc fiecare anotimp in avans pentru ca intotdeuna lurez la invitatii pentru evenimente ce vor avea loc in anotimpul urmator. Iata-ma, asadar, la inceput de septembrie imbratisand deja materialele pentru iarna.

Are you getting ready for a winter wedding celebration, quinceanera, or other life event? You can order this invitation or another winter invitation through my Etsy Shop.

[RO] Va pregatiti de o nunta, botez sau alt eveniment care va ave aloc iarna? Puteti comanda acesta invitatie aici.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Handmade Hummingbird Guestbook (Carte de oaspeti Colibri - handmade)

If anything, after watercolor I love making books: guestbooks, sketchbooks, photo albums and I love using them as well. I love that I can make them any size I want, any color, any number of pages, any type of paper, decorate the covers or leave them plain.

{RO} Unul din lucrurile mele preferate, dupa acuarela, e legatoria de carte. Imi place sa fac carti de oaspeti, caiete de schite, albume foto si imi place sa le si folosesc. Le pot face orice dimensiune, orice culoare, cu cate pagini si cu ce hartie vreau, cu copertile simple sau decorate.

Here is one of those books I poured my heart into. It was a custom guestbook for Isabelle Marie's hummingbird baptism or christening party, matching her hummingbird invitations.

{RO} Aceasta este una dintre cartile de oaspeti la care am lucrat cu multa pasine. A fost realizata pentru botezul lui Isabelle Marie si se assorteaza cu invitatiile ei de botez.

Her theme was hummingbird and florals and her colours were pink and gold. Being given creative freedom I could dive into this project and make it truly unique: vintage gold metallic pages and the hummingbird and floral theme carried through to the inside of the covers with some gold stamping and heat embossing, using the same stamps I used for the envelope liners. Here is a close up of the lovely raised image embossed on the inside covers.

{RO} Tematica botezului a fost pasarea colibri impreuna cu elemente florate, iar culorile predominante rozul si auriul. Faptul ca mi-am putut exprima liber creativitatea a ajutat enorm la reaizare aunui proiect cu adevarat unic. Pentru pagini am folosit hartie metalica aurie, apoi am introdus motivul colibri si pe copertile interioare, imitand interiorul plicurilor invitatiilor.

In the next post I will share some photos from the actual party that my client was kind enough to let me publish. You will be truly inspired.

{RO} In articolul viitor va voi prezenta si petrecerea botezului, organizata cu foarte mult talent si bun gust de Alice, mama lui Isabelle.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Hummingbird Invitations (Invitatii Colibri)

These hummingbird invitations are one of my dearest designs of 2015 which is why I am going to dedicate it 2 more future posts.

 {RO}  Aceste invitatii cu tema colibri sunt unul din modelele mele  preferatele mele din 2015, de aceea voi mai vorbi despre ele in 2 articole viitoare.

 I made these beautiful for Isabelle Marie's christening.  (can anyone enlighten me with the correct term? My USA custommers call it 'Baptism' while those in UK call it 'Christening'.

Part of the merit for the design belongs to Alice, Isabelle's mother who is very creative herself (I will tell you more about it in a future post). She managed to explain what she wanted while giving be enough creative liberty so that I could do my best work possible.

The reason I love this invitation so much is that it allowed me to showcase my passion for watercolor. I started with the watercolor illustration of a hummingbird and fuchsia. This is all it's left of it now, but I did manage to clean it in Photoshop.


 {RO} Am creat aceste frumoase invitatii pentru botezul lui Isabelle Marie. Un mare merit in realizarea lor il are mama ei. Pe langa faptul ca e la randul ei o persoana foarte creativa, Alice a stiut sa-mi indice ceea ce dorea, lasandu-mi totodata libertate creativa.

In plus, am avut ocazia sa-mi manifest pasune apentru acuarela ilustrand pasarea colibri. Doar asta a mai ramas acum din biata mea ilustratie. Din fericire am reusit sa o curat in Photoshop.

The custom hummingbird seal and the hand stamped envelope liner are details that make this invitation even more special.


 {RO} Interiorul plicului stampilat manual precum si sigiliul  de ceara personalizat dau o nota distinctiva acestei inviatii si o fac sa fie cu atat mai speciala.
You can order these invitations through my Etsy shop or direct e-mail.


 {RO} Puteti comanda invitatiile pein magazinul meu Etsy sau direct prin e-mail, in curand si prin

Saturday, February 13, 2016

White Butterfly and Beads Invitation (Invitatie cu Fluturi Albi si Margelute)

This is one of my first designs but I still love it so much that I decide to show it you again with a few improvements and additional stationery.

{RO}  Acesta este unul din primele mele modele de invitatii, dar imi place asa de mult incat am decis sa vi-l arat din nou, de data acesta cu cateva imbunatari si accesorii asortate pe care le-am facut anul trecut.

The initial design didn't have the wax seal, but I thought it would bring an extra element of interest, plus you can make it your own by customizing the wax seal. I would probably still go with the simple envelope for a christening invitation.
I also changed the initial plain envelopes with higher quality ribbed ones.

{RO}  Modelul initial nu avea sigiliul de ceara roz, insa mi se pare ca-i aduce un plus de farmec. Probabil pentru un botez as prefera plicul fara sigiliu.
De asemenea am inlocuit  plicurile cu unele de calitate superioara si o textura fina cu dungulite.

Matching table numbers. 
{RO}  Numere de masa asortate.

The table plan was my labor of love. It was also hard to pack and ship to England, but it was well worth the effort in the end.

{RO} Cel mai mult m-a solocitat acest plan al asezarii invitatilor la mese. A fost greu si de ambalat pentru a-l trimite in Anglia, dar in final a meritat efortul.

And I also have a special place in my heart for these programs which feature my own pen and ink drawing of the church where the wedding took place.
{RO} Aceste programe ale ceremoniei religioase sunt speciale pentru mine, deoarece am realizat chiar eu schita bisericii cu cerneala si penita.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Growing from Card Maker to Artist (De la Artizan la Artist Plastic)

I started this blog in 2007 as a way to share my crafting and card making with friends across the globe. I still love the things I was making back then. However I wasn't happy to call myself a crafter. I wanted to be an artist and believed that as an artist you have yo be able to draw. I knew I had it in me. I just had to practice, learn and practice some more.

Here I am, 9 years later, having turned that initial hobby into a full time business and after some formal training and continuous informal learning, finally being able to call myself an ARTIST.

Of all this story, the most important lesson I want to share with you all is to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, WORK HARD, and while you may not end up rich, your life will be filled with the joy of DOING WHAT YOU LOVE EVERY DAY.


Am inceput sa scriu acest blog in 2007 ca mijloc de a-mi impartasi pasiunea pentru handmade cu prieteni din lumea larga. Si azi iubesc felicitatile si lucrusoarele pe care le faceam atunci, dar in sufletul meu stiam ca vreau sa fiu mai mult decat un artizan, ca vreau sa ma numesc 'artist'.

In mintea mea un artist plastic trebuie sa stie desena, lucru pe care m-am straduit sa-l invat si sa-l exersez anii astia, fie mergand la Scoala Populara de Arte, fie participand la diferite cursuri online.

Intre timp am reusit sa-mi transform hobby-ul in afacere, crescandu-mi in acelasi timp cei doi baieti si crescand eu insami ca artist, astfel incat azi ma pot numi fara umbra de ezitare 'ARTIST PLASTIC'.

Lectia pe care vreau sa v-o impartasesc din toata povestea aceasta este ca, daca aveti un VIS, sa indrazniti sa-l urmati, MUNCIND DIN GREU si, chiar daca nu va veti imbogati din asta, FIECARE ZI VA FI O PLACERE iar MUNCA va deveni ODIHNA.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Watercolor City at Dusk (Oras la apus - pictura in acuarela)

I was looking for something on my desktop when I found this painting I have framed digitally.
It is view of the Popa Nan street in Bucharest painted by yours truly from a photo by a dear high school mate Dan Berte.

The original watercolor painting is available for sale.

[RO] Tocmai am gasit poza acesta pe desktop in timp ce cautam ceva. E o pictura in acuarela pe care am realizat-o dupa o poza a lui Dan Berte, un drag coleg din liceu. Pictura reprezinta strada Popa Nan din Bucuresti si este de vanzare (neinramata - rama din poza e digitala)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My 2015 Sketchbook - Video Flip Through

One of my goals for 2016 is to share my watercolor journey and invitation making in video format. So here I am breaking the ice :)

This sketchbook has changed my life as an artist in such a beautiful way! I am hoping to talk more about it in the future and teach you how to make your own.

Please let me know what you think.