As much as it breaks my heart, I have to learn to say NO, no matter how interesting the design concept is and how much my creative spirit wants to have a go.
I knew this would happen. I knew there would be a conflict between my creative passion and all the changes involved in becoming a mother. Does anyone now how long it lasts?
I have to thank Laura for making this cute amigrumi bear for me. I saw one online and e-mailed her a link saying I wanted one. It wasn't with the intention of asking her to make one for me, but she got it so and then I didn't refuse. It is so cute! And I decided to keep it for myself. Who says mother's can't have toys?
By the way, we can't wait to buy ourselves a flying helicopter. The baby will be a perfect excuse :)
Last but not least, hop over to Passionately Artistic, get inspired by some lovely holiday projects, leave some comments and you will have the chance to win this $10 gift certificate I am offering to my shop.
Nu imi vine sa cred cat de repede trece timpul!Parca ieri dadeai marea veste.Multa sanatate va urez,Ingerasul sa creasca mare si de abia astept sa te vad cu bebe in brate.
awww ce cute!! mai sunt doar trei luni insa ai facut fata pana acum si esti o femeie puternica:d bebele va fi mandru de tine cand va creste!
:) Hai curaj! :))) Suntem amandoua in aceiasi eu am facut azi 27 de saptamani. Stiu exact cum te simti.
Si sigur o sa ne gasim timp pentru craft si dupa ce vin bebeii... doar putina rabdare si acomodare unii cu altii.
Apropo... foarte frumoasa burtica :D... si poza hihi. Si ma bucur nespus ca-ti place ursuletul!
Si cu jucariile ai dreptate... nu ca ma atrag pe mine masinutele dar sigur o sa gasesc scuze sa mai iau una alta care imi fac si mie cu ochiul :)))
Si-mi tot amintesc de cum spuneai tu ca o sa mergeti cu bicicetele... O sa treaca timpul atat de repede incat o sa ne trezim cu ei in premergator :) si apoi pe biciclete.
Ce poza draguta ! ;) Si burtica si ursuletul !
hi Meda,
love your wonderful belly! and the stuffie is very sweet too
hugs, Valerie
Hi Meda the amigrumi bear is so cute. How exciting only three more months to go !
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