This bouquet is entirely made of ribbon scraps that I collected while making green wedding invitations. I keep a box where I collect all ribbon ends and wait for when I have time and inspiration to use them in some project.
Last year I made a blue bouquet for my friend's wedding. This year I chose emerals green, the Pantone color for 2013 to make another winter bouquet.
I picture it being part of a winter or early spring wedding with lots of green, woodsy, Scandinavian, just a little rustic, more like nature-inspired.
My wedding took place almost 10 years ago and I am not sure I am going to celebrate the anniversary in any way although my colors were green and white and I can imagine a beautiful nature-glamour table for it. So the bouquet is currently for sale and you can find it in my Etsy Boutique here.
Last year I made a blue bouquet for my friend's wedding. This year I chose emerals green, the Pantone color for 2013 to make another winter bouquet.
I picture it being part of a winter or early spring wedding with lots of green, woodsy, Scandinavian, just a little rustic, more like nature-inspired.
My wedding took place almost 10 years ago and I am not sure I am going to celebrate the anniversary in any way although my colors were green and white and I can imagine a beautiful nature-glamour table for it. So the bouquet is currently for sale and you can find it in my Etsy Boutique here.
Me and the bouquet. I truly love it! It is much more beautiful in reality than my camera could capture in this gloomy December day. Holding it makes me feel like a Scandinavian princess... I guess in my heart I will never stop dreaming of tiaras, fancy dresses and beautiful castles. In my next post I will show you why my mother says I should act like a grown up with two kids.
What a wonderful idea! Being a grownup doesn't mean that one can't play!
Super , chiar tare :)
No comment bro , is owe the limit , cool !
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