Thank you all for the great response to the Luv Bug Weekend's blog hop. I will take time to visit all your blogs and give a little love back.
Multumesc pentru raspunsul extraordinar la concursul Luv Bug Weekend blog hop. Imi voi face timp sa vizitez toate blog-urile voastre si sa va inapoiez putina dragoste.
And now here is the Canvas Art I promised.
Iata proiectul pe care vi l-am promis ieri.

When I first saw the project call on the Cuttlebug Challenge DT message board I had no idea what it was going to be. How could I use cuttlebug on canvas?
Prima data cand am vazut aceasta tena pe grupul echipei de designeri a Cuttlebug Challenge Blog nu aveam nici cea mai vaga idee despre ce as putea face. Cum poti folosi cuttlebug pe panza.
I decided to take the challenge anyway and experiment mixed media. It is my first try. It was fun and while developing the whole composition, mood and colors I realized anyone can do it even without the painting skills.
Am hotarat totusi sa accept provocarea si sa experimentez pentru prima data tehnica mixed media. Munca la acest proiect a fost o experienta placuta si in timp ce lucram la compozitie, atmosfera si culori mi-am dat seama ca oricine ar putea obtine aceleasi rezultate fara a avea indemanare la desen.
YOU CAN DO THIS with stamps, stencils or other templates.
PUTETI FACE ASTA cu ajutorul stampilelor sau diverselor sabloane.
If you want a tutorial on how I did it and ideas of how to make your own, go to the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog. The direct link is here:
Pentru tutorial si idei despre cum ati putea realiza o lucrare asemanatoare, va invit sa vizitati Cuttlebug Challenge Blog. Linkul direct este mai jos:
Canvas Art with Cuttlebug

Luv Bug Weekend goes on. Visit the Cuttlebug Challenge blog tomorrow for the following tutorials and more goodies to win.
Luv Bug Weekend continua. Visitati Cuttlebug Challenge blog maine pentru urmatoarele tutoriale si posibilitatea de a castiga alte premii extraordinare.
Shannon Bracken: Valentine Coupon book (Carnetel de (nu stiu ce) Valentine)
Mrs J : Valentine treat (Ceva bun, nu siu cum se traduce :P)
Lori Boyd: Valentine Mailbox (Cutie de scrisori Valentine)
Tracy Pounds: Metal Art Frame (Rama - arta metal)
Leave a comment with your questions on this posts and I will try to answer. If you need a detailed tutorial about something you saw on my blog, just let me know. I would be glad to share. Remember! Anyone can do it! What I have is the passion and that is a gift from God. The rest is just study, practice, try it on.
Lasati un comentariu la acest post daca aveti intrebari si voi incerca sa va raspund. Daca doriti un tutorial amanuntit desper ceva ce ati vazut pe blog, spuneti-mi. Voi fi incantata sa impartasesc cu voi. Si nu uitati! Toti puteti face asta! Ce am eu in plus e poate pasiunea pentru ceea ce fac si asta e un dar de la Dumnezeu. In rest e doar invata, exerseaza, pune in practica.
I was hopping around the Cuttlebug Challenge DT blogs when I found this great giveaway on Robin's blog. She is giving away 5 stamp sets. The following are my favorites. Hop there for more details and your chance to win.
"Topaiam" printre blogurile echipei de designeri a Cuttlebug Challenge blog cand am gasit aceasta oportunitate de a castiga 5 seturi de stampile. Mai jos sunt 2 dintre ele, preferatele mele. Pentru mai multe detalii si sansa de a castiga un astfel de set, vizitati blogul lui Robin.
Meda - I love your artwork and how you incorporated the Cuttlebug onto the bird! Very beautiful!
Have a good day!
WOW! Your art is fabulous!! Loved visiting. TFS!!
Oh Meda!
I am truly in awe. I've never worked on canvas. Truthfully, my time rarely allows me to step outside my comfort boundaries. But should I ever wish to move forward to canvas, please expect me to ask questions!
Beautiful work, my friend!
Your canvas is stunning Meda! I just got some canvases recently and haven't done anything with them, thank you for the inspiration to get them out and create. Chris x
oh i love it so WONDERFUL
Stunning, Meda! Great canvas work! TFS!
this is fab Meda
Thanks again for my watermark- its wonderful- have added a thank you to the post
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