I designed these green and white invitations for a summer wedding that will take place in a garden near a pool.
Am creat aceste invitatii cu alb si verde pentru o nunta de vara, intr-o gradina langa piscina.
My own wedding colors were green and white so I was so glad to make something special for Raluca.
Si culorile nuntii mele au fost tot verde si alb, deci va imaginati cu cata placere am lucrat la design-ul Ralucai.
In my good tradition, the design she chose is not here, but my favorite is. So.... who can guess which of the 3 designs I like best?
Conform obiceiului meu, invitatia aleasa de ea nu se gaseste printre cele din imagini, dar preferata mea este. Asa ca va provoc sa ghiciti care din cele 3 modele imi place cel mai mult.

interior: design floral pe hartia de calc care acopera textul

toate 3 impreuna (oare cum ar fi sa dati 3 feluri de invitatii?)

Cuttlebug folders used: Victoria, Floral Fantasy, Floral Screen
I like the fresh green with the green bow the best - so I am going to say that one! :) Green is my favorite color so I just LOVE these! Gorgeous work!
Meda, sunt superbe, verde este si culoarea mea favorita!
Te pup, Alina
Fresh green is my favourite!:)
Fresh green it is! Good guess ladies! I have a thing for monochromatic lately.
The three of them are beautiful. But my favorite is the white invitation with green bow. I didn't guess correctly ;)
These are all beautiful!
All invitations are very beautiful, but I like the white with green ribbon :)
toate imi plac.Cea pe verde crud imi place f mult imi da senzatia de lamaie verde sau menta.
ps: ne vedem saptamana viitoare :D
Absolutely beautiful Meda! I love how you have the different color designs.
Green is one of my fav colors too!
hugs, Valerie
stunning cards!!! I love all of them!!!
adevarate bijuterii!
imi plac prima si a 2-a
sunt superbe
Sunt superbe Meda. Succes in continuare.
frumoase chestii faci. felicitari.
these are stunning and so different. I love all three actually and would hate to have to choose just one!!!
Paula x x x
wow...those are stunning!...i love the brightness of the green!...
What did you use to make the ends round on these?
What I always use to make my custom shapes. I first made a template using basic tools like ruler, pencil, something for drawing round objects, scissors, then used the template to trace and cut with paper scissors.
MY FAVORITE is green on green...That is my favorite color...my engagement ring is an emerald...before my daughter was born I painted her room celery green, my first car was green...you get the picture...Can you share the dimensions of your invitation and the score lines...
Marisol Gutierrez
I LOVE this design so much! I showed my sister and she fell in love with your work instantly!
I am using your design to create her wedding invitations as a wedding gift. I've never created invitations before but I am inspired by your work.
I'm halfway done and realize how much work you put into everything you do! This is not as easy as it looks. I won't be doing this again. LOL
You've created a truly beautiful design, Meda! Thank you for sharing with us and inspiring us!
poti te rog sa imi spui daca pot sa dau si eu comanda la invitatii ca acestea si cam cat costa una?sunt superbe
Creatiile tale sunt superbe! Te felicit pentru idei, ingeniozitate si mai ales pentru rabdare :)
As vrea te rog sa ma ajuti cu mai multe detalii despre "Green and White Summer Wedding Invitations".
Iti doresc mult spor in continuare!
Pentru orice fel de detalii ma poti contacta direct pe mail. Sunt 3 adrese la sectiunea Contact.
Omg omg I'm in love where did u get the paper and stuff from I wanna make these!
Besides the cuttlebug machine it is just basic color cardstock you can find anywhere.
Hello..Ive come across your beautiful design and just wondering if it's okay to have a pattern like yours for my wedding? :)
Thank you for your comment. I don't mind anyone using my ideas as long as they don't pass them or even more SELL them as their own.
i really love this design. my invitation will look like this next year..thank you..
I LOVE these. I've been looking for green invitations for my wedding next year and the standard stock of cards is disappointing. I saw these and was so inspired I've bought a big shot and the cuttlebug embossing folder and lots of green card! Thank you for being so creative and allowing people to recreate your lovely cards. I'm so pleased I can now have lovely invitations! X
Buna seara! As dori sa stiu la ce pret sunt invitatiile acestea! Multumesc!
Buna seara! As dori sa stiu la ce pret sunt invitatiile acestea! Multumesc!
8.1 lei/buc.
Pana in 8 martie 2016 am o promotie la toate invitatiile cu fundite de satin: minus 1 leu/buc.
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