This is a painting I did for our pastor and his wife as a sign of gratitude for everything hey teach us.
The message on the back said:
"And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12:3 - KJV)
The painting was very well received and with a remark that reminded me once again how lucky I was to know these two wonderful people:
"Just where you think everything would crash, the light rises".
I have never thought about this when I painted it. Just felt right to put the pink there. But when I look at this picture now, it is the only thing I can think of.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for all the nice comments you leave me.
Have a blessed week!
Am pictat acest tablou in semn de multumire pentru pastorul nostru si sotia sa.
Pe spatele tabloului se afla urmatorul mesaj:
"...cei ce vor invata pe multi sa umble in neprihanire vor straluci ca stelele, in veac si in veci de veci.” (Daniel 12:3)
Pictura a fost primita cu bucurie si o observatie care mi-a reamintit cat de norocosi suntem sa-i fi scut pe acesti doi oameni:
"Chiar acolo unde pare ca totul se prabuseste, rasare lumina"
Nu m-am gandid la sta cand am pictat. Pur si simplu asa am simtit: sa adaug putin roz. Acum inca, cand privesc acesta imagine, nu ma pot gandi la altceva.
Multumesc celor care viziteaza acest blog si pentru comentariile dragute pe care mi le lasati.
Sa aveti o saptamana binecuvantata!
It is a wonderful painting Meda.
Have a nice week.
Meda ... your talents cause me to stand in awe ... truly.
I am not surprised at your pastor's reply ... it seems just 'perfect'!
absolutely fantastic painting Meda
A beautiful painting! You're a true artist, Meda!
This is a stunning painting. the amount of work into this.the colours are just perfect , and yes , the pink is ment to be there.
Sorry i keep doing this, i came across your site via lilacanglia, and so glad i clicked, your work is out standing.
Oh my goodness Meda! What a beautiful painting! It gave me chills when I read the scripture that inpired it! Wonderful to know that you are a believer. May God bless you and your church! thanks so much for visiting my blog.
A jaw dropping piece of art! Love it!
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