I will not pass them randomly but really think of each awards significance when i choose the persons who the award goes to.
Best Blog Comments Award

This award comes from both Angie and Lora. Thank you ladies, it's an honor.
Please visit their blogs for some lovely artwork and inspiration.

Here are the persons who always make my day with their lovely comments and truly deserve to receive this award:
Manna from Out of the East.

Allison from Allison's Crafty Moments.

Adina from Arina Designs

The Spreader of Love Award

This award comes from Jennifer. Thank you very much for considering me worthy of it! Click on the image below to visit Jennifer's lovely creations.

I am passing this award on ti the following love spreading persons:
Val from Cards by Val.

Bev from Savor the Journey.

Mrs J from Mrs J's Creations.
Angie from Handmade by Lilacanglia

I gave you an Award! Check out my blog to find it! www.arinadesigns-scrapbooking.blogspot.com
Oww...thanks, Meda, for thinking of me! You are the best!
woweee, Thank you very much Meda,
I will pass this on when I am online tom, Monday,
Much appreciated,
I'm so sorry I missed this Meda! thank you for thinking of me
hugs, Valerie
Meda, thank you so much for thinking of me for this award, I really appreciate it! And congrats to you too for receiving so many lovely awards too!
Have a great week!
Hugs Mrs Jx
Thanks Meda for this great award
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