Aceasta este felicitarea mea pentru Cuttlebug Be Inspired 21: Watercolor.
Please check the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog to see all the design team cards and to submit your own card to the challenge.
Va rog vizitati Cuttlebug Challenge Blog pentru a vedea modelele celorlalti designeri si pentru a participa voi insiva la concurs.

As I was finishing this little tree painting I suddenly got sentimental and thought I needed 2 shilouettes under the blooming tree. I will keep this card to remind me of how happy I am in the arms of my husband.
In timp ce terminam acesta mica pictura in acuarela am devenit brusc sentimentala si am simtit nevoia sa schitez doua siluete sub pomul inflorit. Voi pastra aceasta felicitare ca sa-mi aminteasca mereu ca cel mai fericit loc pentru mine este in bratele sotului meu.
did you just watercolour that off the top of your head- you very clever girl it is wonderful- that is why i am thankful for stamps cause i could never do that
fab card
you hand painted that? It's TO DIE FOR!!! what a gorgeous piece - you are a true artist!
Meda I just LOVE this!!! Wonderful...Wonderful!! painted that??!! You are super talented is gorgeous! Great job with the watercolor challenge!
WOW Meda, you are amazingly talented girl!!! WOW, I am just speechless here. This is a piece of art totally. You make me want to pick up a paintbrush and start painting...Stunning, totally stunning!!!
Oh Meda, that tree is gorgeous and you reason for the shilouettes is just beautiful! Love the large ribbon!
So beautiful and sweet! Love it! debb
Wow Meda!!! Your card is soooooo pretty! Love all those beautiful colors, you are an artist!
Wow Meda - I LOVE this card. Awesome job on the colouring
Wow!!! You did an amazing job on this card! Love it!
this card is just STUNNING!!!!!
This is simply too romantic! Love it!
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