Acesta este al doile articol pe ziua de azi (nu m-am putut abtine). Vezi mai jos articolul pentruCuttlebug Be Inspired #51.

How do you feel when someone features you on a blog?
How about when someone starts a blog by featuring you?
Cum te simti cand se scrie despre tine pe un blog?
Dar cand cineva isi incepe blogul scriind despre tine?
I don't know the author's name, I don't know her at all, but I am oh so grateful for this article she wrote about me. Wow! Can you feel my excitement? Can you feel my motivation to blog about all the great stuff I have designed this summer?
Nu stiu numele autoarei si nu o cunosc deloc, dar sunt foarte recunoscatoare pentru acest articol pe care l-a scris despre mine. Wow! Simtiti entuziasmul? Simtiti motivatia pe care mi-o da pentru a publica mai multe din lucrurile pe care le-am creat vara acesta?
`Congrats`Meda...Way to go!!!
You `Rock`:)xxx
Hooray for you, Meda!!! Big cyber hugs being sent to you :)
Way to go, Meda!!!! You deserve it! I love those butterflies, by the way!
Congratulations Meda! How exciting!
(-: Heidi
You really deserve it, your work is wonderful.
Congratulations Meda! how exciting for you...and well deserved too
hugs, Valerie
Congratulations, Meda! Who better to feature! Your work is amazing! Big hugs!
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