Read the interview here.
Sunt membru Cuttlebug Challenge Blog de aproape un an . Puteti citi aici un interviu despre experienta mea in echipa.

Thanks to Maggie and the team for a year of fun and challenging projects, thanks to Provo Craft and all the other sponsors for kindly donating us their products to try them out.
Multumesc lui Maggie, proprietara blogului, precum si tuturor colegelelor de echipa pe care le-am avut de-a lungul acestui an. De asemenea, doresc sa multumesc companiei Provo Craft si celorlalti sponsori care ne-au donat produsele cu care am lucrat.
La multi ani, Meda, toate cele bune!
Te pup, Alina
Congratulations for this great event, you really deserve it.
I wish you happiness and prosperity in 2010 too.
Happy New Year!
oh Meda, how wonderful for you to have the article written! of course we all know how talented and beautiful your creations are.
Happy New Year to you and your hubby, all the best in 2010
hugs, Valerie
La multi ani,Meda!Te asteapta un premiu pe blogul meu...
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