I was visiting one of my sidebar links when I came across the "Carnets baladeurs" concept.
So I thought about my sketchbook and how it would love to be filled with drawings from other artists.
What is "Carnets baladeurs"?
It's a way for artists to exchange artwork. Each artist has a sketch book that is sent around the word. The recipient will create a new piece of art in the book and send it to someone else and so on until it gets back to it's owner.
I am aware nor everyone draws or paints, but how about taking this "Traveling notebooks" concept further.
Here is what I have in mind:
* We start thematic sketch books. I would probably choose BIRDS
* We start the books with our own artwork and sent it further
* The participating artists are not required to use any special technique. It can be drawing, painting, collage, stamping etc.
So who wants to join me? We need at least 3 persons to start.
I will post the list of those who sign up here:
1. Adina (Italia)
2. Lolly (Romania)
3. Laura (India)
Hockey Layout by Audrey Mutschall
1 day ago
imi place blogul tau pt. ca descopar lucruri noi ...imi place ideea ''caietului de schite calator''(asa-mi place mie sa-i spun):) pacat ca nu am talent la desen :(
foarte frumoasa ideea acestui caiet de schite calator! ai un participant sa stii, insa trebuie sa inteleg mai bine regulile!
o zi buna iti doresc!!!
Ma gandesc ca vom face un Yahoo grup unde stabilim regulile de comun acord si schimbam adrese.
si eu si eeeeeeu :D... da' sa nu razi de ce desene o sa fac :)...hehehe. POate lipesc neste chestii in loc ;)
Hi Meda, I started my blog ( http://lucrurifrumoase.blogspot.com/ ) a year maybe 2 years ago when I started my arts and craft projects. But soon I found no interest in it. But I continued with my arts and crafts and I also started selling my things. Very exciting. I was googleing the other day and I came across your blog and I am still here since yeserday. So I started posting on my blog again. I deceided to wrie to you when I saw the idea with the ravelling notebook and I think is a great idea. You're my hero, Meda. xo
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