Long time no post!
Nu am mai scris demult.
Actually I should have had a wedding day reveal last Saturday but I simply have no time to edit and post so many pictures.
Ar fi trebuit sa public un articol despre o nunta care a avut loc sambata trecuta, dar pur si simplu nu am suficient timp sa editez si sa public atatea poze.
So I thought I should write a short post instead to show you what's on my easel.
Asa ca m-am gandit sa va arat in schimb ce se afla la mine pe sevalet.
The flower brooch is a gift from my friend Lolly. It has just arrived yesterday and I really LOVE IT! Thank you so much, Lolly!
Brosa gri cu perle e de la prietena mea Lolly si am primit-o ieri. Imi place foarte mult, Lolly! Multumesc!
Miniature Suitcase Mini Albums by Paige Evans
21 hours ago
ma surprinzi placut!!!! imi place cum iasa pictura:D abia astept sa vad finalul si chiar imi placa cum e lucrat in acril.zici ca e servetel:D Ma bucur ca iti place brosa :D ''la inaintare ''
wonderful colors and love your cotton flowers. Sandi
Gorgeous as usual :)
Hi Meda, Love all you work. Please follow the link http://lucrurifrumoase.blogspot.com/ It is just a Thank you xo
imi place movul cu alb! E perfecta combinatia de culori... abia astept sa vad ce-i mai faci... mie imi place si asa mai "rough"...
beautiful Meda! I wish we were closer! I'd love to have you make something for me, LOL! have a great day
hugs, Valerie
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