This invitation has a special story. I only made 4 of them.
Raluca heard of me from a very good friend of mine and one day she e-mailed to ask if I could make just 2 invitations for her god parents.
I never say no unless I don't have the time.
Invitatia acesta are o poveste mai speciala. Am facut doar 4 bucati.
Raluca a auzit de mine de la o buna prietena de-a mea si intr-o zi mi-a scris sa ma intrebe daca as putea sa-i fac doar 2 inviatii pentru nasi.
Nu refuz pe nimeni decat din lipsa de timp.

So we met to talk about the design in a period when I was making Catinca's and Paul's invitations.
Although she innitially wanted something with purple, Raluca decided to combine the 2 designs mentioned above and she ended up ordering 4 of them (for the parnts too).
Asa ca ne-am intalnit sa discutam despre design tocmai in perioada in care lucram la invitatiile Catincai si ale lui Paul.
Cu toate ca initial vroia ceva pe mov, Raluca a decis sa ramana la o combinatie a celor doua modele mentionate mai sus si in cele din urma a comandat 4 bucati (si pentru parinti).

Just before they went away:

Suna asa de delicate :) Minuntate!
Loving all that pink!
Beautiful, love that flower on the butterfly. Sandi
Gorgeous, Meda! You make each invitation with love. It shows in the invitations. Have a great weekend!
I was really impressed when I received one of these from Raluca.
Wow! That's something new: a comment from someone who actually got one of my invites. I am always a little sad to let them go but it makes my heart thrill when I hear people actually appreciate them. At least one hour of work went into each of them.
Hi Meda
this is gorgeous! thanks for entering my candy, good luck
ma gandeam..mai doar nu ai postat de 2 ori invitatia , apoi am vazut ca in loc de trandafir e fluture:D I LIKE IT!!!
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