The loud music and dancing of high heels against the stone floor woke me up around 2 am. So I grabbed a book at random from the pile and that book was "A Lad of Grit" bu Jules Verne.
It's the story of an orphan growing up in Ireland. What better time to read it than Christmas Eve, when, with all the gifts, good food and drinks, with all the good time surrounded by our loved ones we forget about those less fortunate, those who suffer of hunger, cold and loneliness.
At this time all I could do was close the book and pray for those poor souls that I don't know about, for a better world where each of us will have more consideration for our keen, for a new year with less concern about money and politics and more about people. After all, remember what Christmas is really about? It's about the King of Kings being born in a stable. He came to save us and that is how we receive him.
Have a blessed Christmas Day, but don't forget the true meaning of Christmas and try to do something about it. If you can't change the world you can at least change a part of your soul and the world will be a better place.
I love it Meda. You are so right and we have to remember it. BIG hugs and lots of blessings, Court
Thanks Meda you're so right.
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