This post is dedicated to all of those who spend hours in their studio, deciding which is the best color to use on a certain project, sketching, trying new things, learning from mistakes, discovering themselves and their creative spirit.
I would like you to follow this link and tell me what you think:
Then, (if my baby does not decide to be born in the mean time), I have something else to show you.
Popping by to say HI – by Judy Rozema
21 hours ago
mda, aproape fara comentarii. Eu inteleg ca cineva poate fi impresionat de munca altui artist, si poate simti o provocare din partea acestuia prin creatiile sale, dar ii poate cere acordul in privinta unor detalii prea asemanatoare, si poate nici macar asta, fiecare are un stil propriu si totul se adapteaza. E una sa vrei sa fii invatat, si alta sa fii de rea credinta facand rau cuiva care poate sta muult timp sa ii iasa minunatiile finale. Sunt curioasa ce urmeaza sa ne mai arati ;)
I fully admit to having very little artistic talent...I am a very good "paint by numbers" person!
I see something "blurfing" and I may copy it exactly or, I may change it up. BUT...I never, ever sell it....strictly for personal use only!
To do what this person has done IS copyright violation, unethical and immoral!
Looking forward to pics of the new one when he/she arrives!
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