This month I am guest designer at Scrapper in Romania.
I was challenged to design anything Valentine's Day related but in stripes.
I love doing things differently and stepping out from tradition so this was a great way to express myself. Just for the record, I don't like Valentine's day and I will say this every year. If my husband showed me his love and appreciations just one day a year I would be a terribly misfortune person. As an economist I also see all the marketing behind this holiday which makes me reject it even more.
On to my Valentines in Stripes project, it was actually very appreciated by my husband and he asked that I don't sell or give it away so he owns it now.

Frumoasa carte!
Wow, ce frumos e! Felicitari, Meda. Sotul tau are gusturi foarte bune :))
chair ma gandeam aseara, ce-as putea sa fac in dungi pentru scrapper, si mi-a venit ideea de a decora o agenda!
a ta e foarte faina, eu schimb de idee intre timp!!
Foarte faine dungile! Si mie imi plac! Chiar am un mini album la care i-am decorat coperta cu dungi :)!
Vai Meda cata dreptate ai la faza cu ziua indragostitilor! Ma gandeam asa ca pentru cei care incep o relatie si sunt mai timizi poate îi ajuta atmosfera asta sa fie mai deschisi. Macar atata de-ar fi!
Ador albumele tale!
I love the stripes Meda! what a great idea to step away from the traditional colors.
hugs, Valerie
i love to see the beatiful you create. I would love to create a scrapbook for my son's art work similar to this project. Would you mind sharing what the cover is made of?
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