Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lavender Fields - My Learning Process

I strongly believe that every artist, no matter what the medium should be able to draw.
Drawing is like running sais Alisa Burke, one of my favorite artist bloggers, and I also believe it is something that becomes better with practice. Although talent might be something you are born with, you still need to work hard to improve your skill.

Here is a peek into my studio.
I don't draw or paint much although I wish I did more. I am still at the stage of drawing still lives. I was a disaster when I tried plain air painting and I definitely cannot draw from memory.

I can't say no to a challenge though and when my friend wanted a painting for her room I decided to go for it even if I knew I wasn't the best paintor in the world.
So, Lesson 1: Don't be shy, go for it !

Leson 2: Find your own way of doing it.

My friend wanted a lavender field with a small cottage and some trees around the house. I used a photo I found online and modified it to use as reference to my painting.
Here is the final result, although I prefer the unfinished version from the first picture .

I didn't paint this for myself and I know from experience that people prefer the more realistic look so I went for that. It was a good exercise and I definitely have to improve on painting houses and trees.

Lesson 3: Imitation is not a sin as long as it is for learning purposes.
Reproducing the masters work is one of the ways they teach you to paint. That is how you learn the techniques and find out what you like. Just don't try to sell a Monet reproduction as original art :) I think it's ok to sell it as a reproduction for just enough to cover your expenses and buy new materials to keep learning. It's also ok to give it away for free....


Gretchen Rettig said...

I love your invitations, but its really wonderful to see you do other types of art. I really think your friend is going to love the triptych you made for them. You did a lovely job! I agree with everything you've said about drawing and painting. One can only get better at it if they dive in and don't doubt or be afraid to try new things! Thanks for sharing!

Court said...

Beautiful Meda!!! I'm sure your friend will love it!

Nicole said...

Este superb! Delecteaza-ne mai des cu picturile tale, este evident ca esti foarte talentata!

Laura said...

Wow ce tare ti-a iesit! Imi plac mult campurile frantuzesti de levantica... e unul din peisajele mele favorite :) Si casuta ti-a iesit foarte bine.

Te pup!

Bev Gerard said...

Love this look into your process and artistic planning, Meda! I do enjoy those lavender fields.


Angela Fehr said...

This is so pretty! You should keep painting - but of course I'm a painting advocate... One thing I would mention is not to worry about what "people prefer" - the truth is that it is authenticity that shines through in art - so if you are painting from your heart, creating a work that speaks to you, it will speak to others too. I spent way too many years trying to paint to OTHER people's tastes, and it's stifling over the long haul.