Here I am at the end of a very busy year of art school. It was hard but I enjoyed every moment. This pastel painting is what I chose to show at the final exhibition we have next week. Not my best, but at least it’s finished. It is a 50x70 cm (about 20x27 inches) still life done after real life (not after photo). I really love doing these paintings although they take at least 10 hours to complete. I have several more to finish this summer so I’ll post them here one by one.
Iata-ma la sfarsitul unui an aglomerat de scoala de arte. A fost dificil, dar si placerea a fost pe masura. Aceasta este lucrarea pe care am ales-o pentru expozitia de sfarsit de an (vernisajul in 24 iunie, Biblioteca Judeteana Cluj). Nu e cea mai buna dintre toate, dar cel putin e gata. Masoara 50X70 cm si este desenata dupa o natura statica reala (nu dupa fotografie). Imi place sa desenez natura statica desi imi ia cel putin 10 ore sa termin o lucrare. Mai am inca cateva de terminat vara acesta, asa ca una cate una le voi publica si pe blog.
10 hours, wow it is really a lot of work, but you did a great job.
You are so talented, Meda! This is an AWESOME painting!
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