Actually this is a card I made for a swap I was in at Making Greeting Cards, a yahoo group that made me discover the wonderful world of card making and also the place where I made so many online friends.
The challenge was to use brads, but I doubled that with “use scraps” because I have so many pieces of paper and cardstock left from the invitations I make. The ribbon just happened to be around from some wedding invitations I had made (I’ll show them to you in a future post). The main stamp is Stampin’ Up! and the smaller ones showing through the velum are some small stamps I bought in Germany from a supermarket.
This card went to my friend Rosie. Here is a picture of the card I received from Evelyn in the "Brad Swap". Here is another brad card from Bev, this time from the "Bunny Swap".
Felicitare realizata pentru un schimb si realizata in intregime din resturi de materiale. Refolosirea bucatilor mici de carton ramase de la invitatii constituie una din principalele mele provocari. Pe de o parte pentru ca se recicleaza materialele si pe de alta parte pentru ca imi dezvolta creativitatea.
Iata felicitarea primita in schimb.
Hi Meda,
Your card is very soft, I love that color combo and the ribbon.
Soft and Sweet! You did well with the brads and scraps!
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