This was one birthday gift that had to go with a user manual. Why? Because I myself didn’t know what it was until it was ready.
I had bought the styropor mushroom back in February thinking of my friend’s almost one year old daughter. The idea was to combine it with a chipboard photo frame to make a birthday gift. The actual result is not what I first had in mind. The initial frame was a big rectangle shape but something just didn’t work ok so I put the mushroom on a box and added the smaller heart shaped frame. The final result is a photo box with a mushroom and a frame where all the pictures from Sara’s first birthday can be kept.
The mushroom: styropor painted with acrylic paint. The mushroom had a hole in it so I made a little caterpilar from pottery clay to make it look like he had eaten from the mushroom.

The frame: just a plain chipboard frame painted with acrylic paint and added a strawberry image from a napkin.
The box: my husband had just bought a new cell phone and I thought the box was too nice to waste. So I covered it with white paper, added napkin decoupage with strawberries and a little acrylic paint and that was it. I left one of the sides uncovered to reveal the opening.
Acesta a fost un cadou care are nevoie de un manual de utilizare. De ce? Pentru ca nici eu nu am stiut ce va fi pana cand nu a fost gata.
Ciuperca din polistiren o cumparasem in februarie anticipand ziua de nastere a fetitei unei prietene. Planul initial era sa o combin cu o rama foto insa ceva nu-mi placea la rama aceea mare si dreptunghiulara. In timp ce scotoceam prin minte dupa o idee, mi-am amintit ca aveam o rama mai mica in forma de inimioara dintre cele pe care le daruiec celor care comanda invitatii. Mai aveam o cutie de la telefonul pe care tocmai si-l cumparase sotul meu, asa ca am pus ciuperca si rama pe cutie si gata.
Ciuperca: polistiren vopsit cu vopsea acrilica. Pentru ca ciuperca avea o gaura din fabricatie m-am gandit ca in loc sa o acopar, mai bine fac o omida din pasta pentru modelaj ca si cum aceasta ar fi mancat din ciuperca.
Rama: simpla, din carton, vopsita cu acril alb si cu o imagine cu capsuni decupata dintr-un servetel.
Cutia: initial neagra, am acoperit-o cu hartie alba, am aplicat capsunile pe lateral folosind tehnica decupajului si am pictat niste iarba deasupra. O parte a ramas neacoperita pentru a marca deschiderea pentru introducerea fotografiilor.
1 comment:
You are simply INCREDIBLE! This gift is totally awesome! Love the little worm!
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