Here is the invitation I was telling you about in the previous post. The bride wanted tulips to be the central theme of all the wedding stationery. Also the colors had to be green and white and the ribbon organza. I designed more invitations with green and white for the couple to choose from. The final choice was a square invitation 13.5x13.5cm (5 ¼ inch). I printed the tulip pattern on velum and attached it to the front of the invitation with double sided tape, then glued the organza bow with UHU liquid glue to hide the place where the tape was. I made custom vellum envelopes to complete the invitations.
I ended up making 145 of these invitations and I can say I am proud of every one of them.
Below are a few images from the work in progress. They can tell you more than I can in words (click on the images to make them bigger).
Iata invitatia despre care va spuneam in articolul anterior. Mireasa a dorit ca tema centrala invitatiilor ei sa fie lalelele, iar culorile trebuiau sa fie alb cu verde si o funda din organza verde. Am realizat mai multe modele cu alb si verde din care cuplul urma sa aleaga. In final s-au decis asupra modelului din imagine: un patrat de 13.5x13.5 cm. Am tiparit textura cu lalele pe hartie de calc pe care am lipit-o apoi de invitatii cu banda dublu-adeziva. Am lipit funditele de organza peste calc ascunzand totodata si banda care se mai vedea prin hartia de calc. Plicurile, facute special pentru acest model, de asemenea din hartie de calc completeaza ansamblul.
Pana la urma am facut 145 de invitatii si pot spune ca sunt mandra de fiecare dintre ele. Mai jos sunt cateva imagini din timpul lucrului. Le las pe ele sa vorbeasca mai departe. (Dati click pe imagini pentru a le mari).
Glueing the bows with UHU. I like to use the solvent version which doesn't dry quickly, but when it's dry, it's the best I have seen untill now. Funditele sunt lipite cu adeziv lichid UHU, varianta cu solvent. Desi se usuca greu sunt foarte multumita de cat de bine lipeste.
Here are the invitations when the glue was dry. Invitatiile fara plicuri, dupa uscarea adezivului.
These are the vellum envelopes. Vellum is very difficult to work with because it breaks and tears easily when folded and you can see the adhesive through it. However I found a glue stick that doesn't show through if applied in a thin layer. Acestea sunt plicurile din hartie de calc. E foarte greu de lucrat cu acest material pentru ca se rupe usor la indoire si lasa sa se avda adezivul prin el. Am gasit totusi un baton de lipit care, aplicat in strat subtire nu se vede.
Here are the invitations in their envelopes and ready to go. As always, it was a pleasure making them and even greater was the pleasure to see the bride satisfied with my work. Iata invitatiile in plicuri, gata de "plecare". Ca intotdeauna, a fost o placere sa le fac si placerea a fost si mai mare sa imi vad clientii multumiti de rezultatul muncii mele.
145 ? It is a lot of work !!! you can be very proud of you, you did a great job.
Oh Meda ... I can just barely imagine how long you have worked on these beauties! Each one looks as wonderful as the next. No wonder the bride was delighted with these custom designed invitations!
What gorgeous work, you are very clever Meda,
WOW, Meda! This is really pretty! Love how the bow stick out of the envelope. Very clever indeed!
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