The boxes are from a wedding set I designed a few weeks ago. The whole set was designed around the tulip image and the green color and it also contains the wedding invitations and some matching labels for the wedding favors. I’ll show you the invitations in another post.
I painted the boxes with acrylic paint and some crackle medium. At a closer look you can see the vintage crackle effect. For the inside I used the same paper I designed for the invitations. The picture showing through the heart-shaped window is a picture of the bride and groom that I edited in Adobe Photoshop to match the whole theme.
The boxes were filled with chocolates, wrapped with matching paper, tied with organza ribbon and given to the god parents. One of them will be kept to host the broken champagne glasses from the wedding

Cutiite din imagine fac parte dintr-un set pe care l-am realizat in urma cu cateva saptamani. Tema centrala a invitatiilor, marturiilor si etichetelor pentru sticle a fost laleaua, iar culoarea aleasa de miri, verdele. Invitatiile vor face subiectul unui articol viitor.
Am pictat cutiile cu vopsea acrilica si un lac pentru crapare care le da un efect de antichitate. Pentru interior am folosit acelasi model de hartie ca si la invitatii. Fotografia care se vede prin fereastra in forma de inima a fost prelucrata in Adobe Photoshop pentru a se potrivi intregii teme. Cutiile au fost umplute cu praline, ambalate in hartie asortata, legate cu funda de organza si facute cadou nasilor. Una dintre ele va fi folosita pentru a pastra cioburile paharelor de sampanie sparte la nunta.
WOW, these are awesome, Meda! How many did you have to make? Just WOW! So good to see your wonderful work again! My eye candy!
I can just "imagine" the treasure of the broken glass to be held within these custom prepared walls! What a treasure to hold by a couple! Meda ... I love your work!
Hi Manna. Thanks for the nice comment. There were only 3 of them, but it's just a start :)
((((hugs from Texas)))
Those are beautiful! Very nice work.
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