I turned 26 on Friday, July 4. It was a day that helped me remember how blessed I am with friends and family. I didn't know I had so many friends and so many who remembered my birthday although I tried not to make a fuss of it.
Thanks to all the SCS members who left me private messages and thanks to all my friends across the ocean who have sent me cards (one day last week I came home to find my post box full of cards).
Vineri, 4 iulie am implinit 26 de ani. A fost o zi in care mi-am amintit cat de binecuvantata sunt avand asa multi prieteni, familie, colegi, prieteni peste ocean pe care nu i-am vazut niciodata fata in fata. Foarte multi si-au amintit ca era ziua mea, desi am incercat sa nu fac prea mare tam-tam despre asta.
Multumesc tuturor membrilor SCS care mi-au lasat mesaje chiar daca nu ma cunosc personal si multumesc tuturor prietenelor pe care le-am cunoscut prin intermediul internetului pentru felicitari (intro zi saptamana trecuta m-am intors acasa si am gasit cutia postala plina de felicitari venite in Canada si SUA).
1 comment:
Noooooo! My sweet friend, Meda! I'm so sorry to have missed your birthday! I should have remembered this occasion before leaving for our vacation in Michigan. Please forgive this lady in Texas. I adore your friendship ... and hope your birthday was oh-so-delightful, Meda! (((((hugs)))))) from Bev!
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