I usually need one day to design a card but I can't afford to spend that much time on cards right now, so I went to SCS to find some inspiration. Here is the card I CASED. I changed the stamp and used different embellishments, but basically it's the same card.
This is the first time I ever tried to case a card, but it is not as easy as I thought and also doesn't give me much satisfaction knowing that it is not 100% my design.
Aceasta e o felicitare pentru prietena mea Valerie din Canada. Deoarece nu stau foarte bine cu timpul in acesta perioada am cautat inspiratie pe SCS. Aceasta e felicitarea pe care am ales sa o reproduc. Am schimbat doar imaginea si fundita, dar in principiu, e acelasi design.
E prima data cand am incarcat sa reproduc design-ul altcuiva, si pot spune ca nu e chiar atat de simplu cum credeam si, in plus, nu ai satisfactia ca felicitarea iti apartine 100%.
Valerie will be delighted to receive this card. There's something about the torn edges and the blue/brown colors that are soooo soothing ... rather "freeing" in a way!
Great card. Love the dominant colors white and blue which are looking so fresh.
Well said! That's why I like them: because they give you a sentiment of peace. I guess that's why I don't like bright pinks and purples: because they give me an opposite sentiment.
Beautiful as always!
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