Yesterday I found this great blog that also has a color inspiration challenge. Since I needed to make a card for my brother-in-law I decided to make it a triple challenge:
#1 use the above color palete
#2 make a masculine card
#3 only use materials from my scrap stash

This is my card. The images are hand drawn and colored with watercolor pencils*. They are adhered with foam tape for extra dimension. It was also the first time I have ever used this type of coloring medium (they were a gift I made myself for my birthday).
Ieri am gasit un blog foarte frumos care are, printre altele, o tema de lucru cu un anumit set de culori. Intrucat chiar aveam nevoie de o felicitare pentru cumnatul meu, am decis sa accept provocarea si chiar am triplat-o:
#1 sa folosesc paleta de culori de mai sus
#2 sa fie un design masculin
#3 sa folosesc doar din resturile de materiale
Imaginile sunt desenate cu mana (nu sunt tiparite sau stampilate) si sunt colorate cu creioane aquarel*, si acestea reprezentand un element de noutate pentru mine (tocmai mi le-am cumparat cadou de ziua mea si acum le-am folosit pentru prima data). De asemenea, imaginile sunt lipite cu spuma dublu-adeziva pentru a crea impresia de volum.
* For those who don't know, watercolor pencils look like normal colored pencils but they are water soluble. When they are wet, these pencils act like watercolors and you can use a brush to pick up the pigment and paint.
Pentru cei care nu stiu, creioanele aquarel arata ca niste creioane normale de colorat, dar sunt solubile in apa, in contact cu care se comporta ca niste aquarele. Se poate folosi o pensula pentru a prelua pigmentul si a picta.
Oh Meda! You've made a great "find" .... but not only that, I love the way you've chosen to use these earthy colors! Way to go, my friend!!
Your card is wonderful! I love the presents....don't you love this challenge???
Ha ce mice a lumea, nu credeam ca voi intilni o romanca cu aceeasi passiune ca si a mea, felicitarea ta este superba imi place cum ai folosit schema de culori si bravo tie ca ai desenat de mina imaginea focala. Monica xxx
Oh, I love this combo, very much! Great job!
Hi Meda,
you asked how I create a card so fast..well I had an idea in mind for the other challenges..saw the cuttlebug one..and figured I could incorperate it into my card! I love doing cards, and sometimes I only get 20 mins to create...sometimes I get 3 hrs.. its all dependant on my son napping..today the card came together so quick..even I was surprised! Hugs and thanks for the comment!
Thank youu
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