Here is what I designed for her:
#1. Single panel wedding invitation + vellum envelope
#2. Table numbers
#3. Wedding favors.
Una dintre colegele mele de facultate se casatoreste vara aceasta si m-a rugat s-o ajut cu invitatiile. Nu mi-a fost deloc greu sa inteleg ce vrea sa spuna prin: "folie transparenta, simplu, crem si auriu" pentru ca ea a fost intotdeauna delicata si eleganta si cred ca invitatiile acestea chiar o reprezinta.
Setul contine:
#1. Invitatie simpla + plic facut manual din hartie de calc
#2. Numere pentru mese
#3. Cutiute pentru bomboane (asa-numitele "marturii").

I made this wedding set on behalf of the CUTTLEBUG CHALLENGE BLOG for the Cuttlebug Be Inspired #14 which was to use our favorite folder.
My favorite folder is and I think will always be Cuttlebug Textile Folder. I wonder if Provo Craft can beat this up with a more elegant one.
Am facut setul acesta si in calitate de membru al echipei de la CUTTLEBUG CHALLENGE BLOG unde tema de saptamana trecuta era sa folosim sablonul nostru preferat. Sablonul meu preferat se numeste Cuttlebug Textile Folder si nu cred ca cei de la Provo Craft vor scoate pe piata foarte curand unul mai elegant decat acesta.
For the invitation I embossed just the top and bottom of my card stock (after I printed it). The border gives it just the elegant touch required without overwhelming the design. Pentru invitatii am stantat doar cate o margine sus si una jos ceea ce confera eleganta fara sa incarce prea mult design-ul.
I did the same with the table numbers only the numbers are hand painted with golden acrylic glaze. I applied the same golden glaze to the raised surface of the embossing. Am procedat la fel si cu numerele meselor, doar ca acestea sunt pictate manual cu un lac auriu, lac pe care l-am folosit si pentru a scoate in evidenta eleganta modelului stantat.
I could not decide which favor box to keep from my many ideas so I chose to show you 2 of them. One is embossed with the Textile Folder and the other has the flower motif from Stampin' Up! Happy Harmony stamp set. Thank you, Bev for these beautiful stamps! Nu m-am putut decide pentru o singura marturie asa ca am ales sa va prezint 2 din cele cateva pe care le-am creat: una are stantat acelasi model ca si cel de pe invitatii si numerele meselor, iar cealalta imprumuta motivul floral de la plicurile invitatiilor. Acesta din urma este obtinut cu ajutorul unei stampile impreuna cu o cerneala si un praf special care prin topire creeaza efectul de relief.
I cannot go on anymore as I am getting to the bottom of the page with this post. For any questions you have my e-mail address in the profile on the right or you can leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Ar fi cazul sa inchei pana mai am loc pe pagina :) Daca aveti intrebari mi le puteti adresa pe e-mail (aveti adresa pe bara din dreapta) sau ca si comentariu la acest articol. Voi incerca sa va raspund cat de bine voi putea.
The entire collection is wonderful, Meda! I love the texture, the images, the entire 'feel' and expression of all elements!
WONDERFUL, your very talented and i hope it takes you far,
GORGEOUS collection! Very elegant!
these are soooo elegant meda!! i love that happy harmony set too!
My goodness!! Please tell me in you're in business right? These are all so divine. Any bride would be thrilled to have these. I love that you made so many coordinating things. Wow!
WOW Meda you have been busy this week! Can't believe what elegant wedding creations you've made!
Very elegant!
beautiful how much it cost for this card
beautiful how much it cost for this card
It's US $2 for 1 invitation card+vellum sleeve.
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