I am currently designing some wedding invitations with these watercolor flowers as central element. They grow in my garden during the summer till late autumn.
Momentan lucrez la niste invitatii de nunta care au in centru aceste flori pictate in acuarela. Nu stiu cum se numesc florile, dar cresc la mine in gradina de vara pana toamna tarziu.
So while I was thinking of something to do with numbers for the Be Inspired #27 challenge at the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog this idea came to me: TABLE "NUMBERS"
Asadar, in timp ce ma gandeam la ce as putea face pentru Be Inspired #27 de la Cuttlebug Challenge Blog mi-a venit ideea aceasta:" NUMERE" PENTRU MASA.
Although it can't be seen in the picture, the flowers have hand painted accents. Imagine painting all the invitations for a wedding. Well, wish me luck: I am doing the save the dates in the weekend and I am going to love it :)
Desi nu se vede in imagine, florile au accente pictate maual. Imaginati-va facand asta pentru un intreg set de invitatii. Puteti sa-mi urati deja spor la lucru pentru ca in weekend voi picta rezevarile de data :)
Meda, this is so beautiful! You are a very talented artist! The flowers look gorgeous and how different to come up with a table number for the challenge - inspired! Good luck with painting all the save the date cards!
Hugs Mrs Jx
Hiya Meda,
Have put a little award for you on my blog,
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me,
This is beautiful, Meda! Great job painting! You amaze me :)
this is so AMAZING Meda, oh my goodness!!!
Great job, and what a beautiful flower!
Very pretty Meda! I love the flowers you added to it! Great job with the numbers challenge!
Ohhh...this is so beautiful!!! Love those colors and that folder as well!
Wow! Handpainted flowers...and they look so gorgeous!! I love your take on this challenge and your artwork is truly inspiring Meda!
So soft and pretty, Meda!
Oooh, I clicked on the pic to get a closer look and I could see all the detail of the watercolored flowers. Wow Meda! I mean, really, those are beautifully painted!
You are very talented!! Beautiful!
You painted those!! Absolutely stunning!
Gorgeous Meda! Your cards and work always amaze me! And what a cute tea set, I want one:)
Meda Your card is truly beautiful..Love your painting..You ar a wonderful Artiste...
Lotsa Love:)♥
Wonderful idea. Love it.
This is a beautiful idea!! Love the flowers and the painting!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my card :)
Thanks for sharing! These are beautiful.
Oh Meda ..
Your talent in painting is far beyond my literal comprehension. All I know is, that you amaze me!
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