Lots of hand cut butterflies. This was how my work table looked one of these days. I wonder if anyone ever realizes how much work went into the invitation they have received. Although I love doing meticulous work, I am currently trying to reduce that amount , but that is another story, meant for another post.
Multi fluturasi decupati manual. Cam asa arata masa mea de lucru una din zilele acestea. Ma intreb daca cei ce le primesc isi dau seama cata munca a implicat fiecare inviatie. Cu toate ca imi place sa fac lucruri meticuloase, incerc acum sa reduc cantitatea de lucru/invitatie. Dar asta e o alta poveste, destinata unui alt articol.
Love the butterflies... that's a LOT of cutting and very beautiful too!
Exquisite as always. Are the butterflys hand stamped as well?
No, these ones are printed, but I do have stamped and embossed ones as well: http://handmadebymeda.blogspot.com/2009/09/100-butterfly-wedding-invitation-nunta.html
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