Yes, I feel great, just very busy doing some last things before the baby comes. That includes design, of course.
Today's post is about Laura's challenge over Scrapper in Romania: Clean and simple + winter colors. Great challenge since this morning has snowed and everything is covered in white with just a few brown-black spots than can be seen underneath.

In terms of home decor, I prefer simplicity. I don't like cluttered spaces that take forever to clean.
I had some twigs that I picked up last summer and thought to be perfect for this project. I tied them with copper wire, glued 2 paper snowflakes, hanged them from my easel, and that's that: quick and simple home decor.

meda, imi place foarte mult, parca si vad o padure desfrunzita si plina de alb!
poate as fi ales alt suport pentru prezentare, dar asta chiar nu e important:)
Multumesc, dar azi chiar nu am chef de alt suport. Sevaletul meu murdar de vopsea ma face sa ma simt "acasa". Poate e mai greu de explicat pentru cineva caruia nu-i face placere sa fie murdar de vopsea pana la coate la sfarsitul unei zile de lucru.
Missed you Meda! So glad that everything is going fine. Lovely wreath and it fits right in with our weather right now. We got an inch of snow overnight and supposed to have a half of foot by this afternoon. Hope you are staying safe and warm! Big hugs!
That is just beautiful, Meda! I really love it! I'm glad to hear things are going well and cannot wait to see your little one when they arrive! :)
Me too, me too....I don't like clutter and I prefer simple, clean lines. This wreath looks like it belongs in a magazine.
... mai trebuie sa spun ceva? Fulgii mei preferati diecut! Si foarte tare impletitura! Nu stiam ca te ocupi si cu nuieluse :)
By the way, mie-mi place sevaletul :)
it's charming Meda! I'm so glad you're back and posting...missed ya
hugs, Valerie
Perfection, Meda!
You so remind me of my DD .. .simpicity extraordinaire in so many ways of expression.
Hoping that you are well.
Foarte interesanta idee, perfect pentru tema! Noroc in continuare!
Foarte frumoasa si delicata.
Multumim ca ai participat la provocarea noastra si te mai asteptam.
Sarcina usoara in continuare si o na
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