I love my work. It's the thing that brings happiness to each day of my life. It's a gift from God, a gift that I will always be thankful for.
Yet from time to time something happens that wakes me up from this land of reverie. I know I should pass by and don't let myself be influenced by such things, but if it's not sensitivity and attention to detail that makes me who I am and thus defines my creation, then what is?
I take pride in trying to make every couple's invitation unique and tailored to their special day.
I sometimes spend days just to alter one of my past design to make it more suitable for a new bride. Then, just by accident, I stumble across a blog that has designs so similar to mine I cannot help wondering why. Then I start digging some more and turns out that the owner of that blog is closely following my work. She even wrote me an e-mail once asking where she could buy a cuttlebug for "personal use" or left comments asking about the products I am using. I recognize so many of my design elements, yet I see no original ones. If they are not copies of my work, then I can point other websites where I saw them before.
I am always the one telling my friends not to worry about people copying their work. A copy will always be a copy and I personally know the quality of my work very well. However, I cannot be indifferent, I cannot help being sad or angry, and the worst of it is that things like this make me lose trust in people more and more every day.
I have made a selection of the most striking resemblances. I a not giving you a link for the simple purpose of not driving more traffic to that blog. I just wanted you to know: No, I don't have any distributors, I don't work that way. They are only people copying my work in a more or less obvious way. I see them all the time visiting my blog for fresh content. I admire those who at least have the common sense of looking for their own style and personality. I would love to show you some examples one day, time and mood permitting.

Yet from time to time something happens that wakes me up from this land of reverie. I know I should pass by and don't let myself be influenced by such things, but if it's not sensitivity and attention to detail that makes me who I am and thus defines my creation, then what is?
I take pride in trying to make every couple's invitation unique and tailored to their special day.
I sometimes spend days just to alter one of my past design to make it more suitable for a new bride. Then, just by accident, I stumble across a blog that has designs so similar to mine I cannot help wondering why. Then I start digging some more and turns out that the owner of that blog is closely following my work. She even wrote me an e-mail once asking where she could buy a cuttlebug for "personal use" or left comments asking about the products I am using. I recognize so many of my design elements, yet I see no original ones. If they are not copies of my work, then I can point other websites where I saw them before.
I am always the one telling my friends not to worry about people copying their work. A copy will always be a copy and I personally know the quality of my work very well. However, I cannot be indifferent, I cannot help being sad or angry, and the worst of it is that things like this make me lose trust in people more and more every day.
I have made a selection of the most striking resemblances. I a not giving you a link for the simple purpose of not driving more traffic to that blog. I just wanted you to know: No, I don't have any distributors, I don't work that way. They are only people copying my work in a more or less obvious way. I see them all the time visiting my blog for fresh content. I admire those who at least have the common sense of looking for their own style and personality. I would love to show you some examples one day, time and mood permitting.

Draga Meda,
Pot doar sa te consolez spunandu-ti ca nici macar nu se compara cu ale tale. Sunt doar niste copii ieftine. Si eu ma supar cand vad ca altii imi copiaza munca, dar efectiv nu avem ce sa facem, ci doar sa ne resemnam.
Dear Meda,
Firstly I want to say thank God everything is ok with you and with your baby bcs the title of your post sounded really scary to me at first.
Secondly, oh well...this is unfortunately what may happen when you put your work to Internet. I haven't encountered it personally yet but I know it MAY happen some day...I have also read a few posts similar to yours over the last week, so it really affects many of those who's works people find to be good. I personally can't imagine intentionally copying someone's work with the purpose of earning money on his/hers expense...
Could write a lot about this...:)
At the end everyone gets what they deserve and I am sure that it will hit them back some day.
I want to wish you peace of mind- it is not good for you to worry right now. The most important is that everything is well with you and your baby, everything else doesn't matter!
Lasa-le incolo... nu merita nervii si supararea. Oricum o sa vina mai multe ca asa e la romani. Tu sa fii sanatoasa sa mai poti face modele interesante si sa-ti fie clientii multumiti.
Te pup!
ufffff, Meda, I know what you mean, you won't believe, I have the same problem, people who visit my blog and then colour their images using absolutely the same colours and shadows as me, then showing the cards on their own blogs without saying ONE single word about their source of inspiration! They are just pathetic, and -I agree with Veronica- they don't know better, all they make are cheap duplicates!
Hugs, take care of you!
I'm sorry to hear you are discouraged by people taking advantage of your designs. Try to think of it this way: you are an inspiration to them and, although they should be asking permission and giving you credit, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I hope you won't stop sharing your work with us, I enjoy seeing your designs. I don't get to read your blog on a regular basis because I've gone back to school for a master's degree in addition to working full time. But every few weeks or so I catch up.
I hope they will read your post and feel compelled to apologize.
How are things going with your pregnancy? It shouldn't be long before the baby is here.
Si pe mine m-a speriat putin titlul. Inainte intram pe la tine sa vad doar ce ai mai facut, acum te urmaresc si pentru a afla daca nu ai nascut:).
Subiectul este unul foarte neplacut si, din pacate, se cam poarta:(. M-am tot gandit ultima vreme, ce se poate face in asemenea cazuri si inca nu mi-a venit nicio idee geniala. Sa-i atentionezi discret nu prea merge cu astia.
Draga Meda, lasa tristetile;) pentru alta data, acum ai grija de tine si de bebe:).
Va imbratisez!
That's AWFUL!!!!
RARR!!! It makes me mad for you. The only thing that makes me feel better about it is how much better quality yours are!!! Seriously! I'm sorry someone is copying your work, friend. But they aren't really copying it... they are making a knock-off imitation.
That's enough harsh words for me today. I usually don't say that many, but this is ridiculous!
Meda, I am so sorry. You don't need this when it is so close to "baby time" and you should be filled with joy...not sadness and anger.
This is a blatant copyright violation and she should be stopped. I know there are procedures to go through to stop someone but, they are also going to cost money.
Maybe...an email to her to tell her that what she is doing is illegal?
Thank you ladies for all your support.
Cathy, I will not bother taking any action but this blog post. My time is too precious for that. I will not bother e-mailing her. I am sure she has already read this post.
I am just set out to pointing out any obvious violation of common sense.
oh Meda, that's so sad! I hope the blogger stops what she's doing or at the very least she should give you credit although by looking at her 'stuff' and your art is fabulous and her's is not.
take care of yourself and baby too!
hugs, Valerie
This is indeed sad to think that someone is making a profit or other gain by copying your beautiful work, Meda. The internet is full of wonder, yet it is also an easy playground for those who would be less than honorable. I'd saddened that you have been a victim of the latter.
I'm hoping that your baby's impending arrival is back at the forefront of your every thought by now. God's sweetest blessing is so close! I'm eager and smiling just thinking about this! Take sweet & precious care.
Buna Meda,
Este trist ce se intampla, insa copia e copie si originalul e indiscutabil, pt ca a copia e usor , insa pt a crea un original este cu totul altceva; si tu stii asta. Nici mie nu mi/ar conveni sa fiu copiata , insa nu prea avem vreo solutie de a stopa asta.Trebuie sa le tratam ca atare si sa ne vedem de munca , pt ca oricat ar incerca altii sa copie un produs , va fi in final un produs secundar si nu se merita sa dai prea multa importanta. Gandeste-te la momentele care te vor astepta alaturi de copilul tau , care vor fi cu siguranta unice si care te vor ajuta sa treci peste alte momente mai triste legate de subiectul in cauza. In plus, cu ajutorul noului venit in familie, iti vor aparea noi idei de creatie ,unice si ... am sa fac haz de necaz, ca sa te mai inveselesc un pic - cred ca pt a putea copia cei care se ocupa cu asta , ar trebui sa puna si ei de un bebe pt a ajunge sa reuseasca sa te copie :))
PS : tine/o tot asa si mult succes in continuare
I was just browsing through your blog when I came across this post. I can understand why you felt so bad because I've felt the same thing. One of the blogger stole my design and did not even bother to give credit to my work, that too for a contest. It feels so bad seeing your work being credited to some other person. A copycat is just a copycat after all, so I guess I'll just let it pass.
Ur work is fab and I'm glad I'm your follower... Keep it up and Take care
I really appreciate your comment, radhika. I can say I am over that too. There is no feelig like being happy about a design YOU created yourself.
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