There has been a strong battle in my heart for the past weeks. My love for art just wouldn't let go while all the time and energy had to be dedicated to this little angel.
So many thoughts are mixed up in my head right now and learning this new mommy job is very tough. It's the first exam in my life I have no book for. I wish I had gone to a "how to be a mommy" school. I don't think we even have one so it's a learn-as-you-go (not at all my favorite way).
Oh, sooo cute!!!
Aw Meda! He is gorgeous!!! You will be fine with this new role in your life! It is an adjustment but these early months go by fast and you will wonder where the years went! Try not to worry, the older he gets the easier it will be to sneak a moment for your fabulous art!
Meda, inca nu te-am felicitat, nu stiu cum mi-a scapat anuntul tau! Din toata inima, sa fiti sanatosi si fericiti impreuna, e o scumpete!
Te pup,
AWwWW!!! Adorable! I love him already! :)
Ceao, Meda! Te-am gasit pe blogul Alinei- de mai sus!:)Ce mica e lumea!
Imi plac invitatiile tale dar mai ales minunea mica! E o dulceata!
Sa fiti sanatosi si sa va bucurati de fiecare clipa impreuna!
Pupici, Iulia
Ce baietel mare si frumos ! :)
Ce dulce e si ce mare s-a facut :). Sa fiti sanatosi!
E atat de dulce....parca ar fi un ursulet fetita:D..nu nu ..stiu e baietel si e scump...mi s-a facut dor de inca un bb..:D
he is adorable Meda...do not worry about how good a mother you are as long as he is loved the rest just falls into place. you will find time to craft again, but your son is only this age once, so treasure every bit of him at the moment. Take care of both of you Hugs Tania xoxo
Your son is so beautiful!
I completely understand how you feel. My only child is just a year old and he is the world to me.
It's not easy and sometimes frustrating when you want to get away from the baby's demands just for a short while.
When people tell you that it will get easier, it will. It takes a few months.
Babies love white noise & heartbeat sounds. I accidentally turned on the vent over the stove, my month old infant was instantly quiet & calm.
I turned the vent on high as he slept and I had a chance to catch up on email.
If your baby is unusually fussy, it could be the formula (if you're not breastfeeding). Switch to Sensitive (or Lactose free) formula first. If that doesn't work, try Alimentum.
Most of all, cherish these moments. Take lots of pictures. They grow up SO fast. My son was sitting up and scooting around by the time he was 7 months old. I had no idea that a tiny infant could go from a sleeping bundle of joy to a hilarious, talking, running boy who fills us with joy so so fast!
Thank you for sharing the photo! Take care of yourself!
Iona is gorgeous. Just listen to your heart and follow your instincts...you will not go wrong!
You have good friends to give such good advice. My baby went to sleep when I turned on the vacuum cleaner! My daughter in law got a machine that plays ocean sounds and that helped her baby sleep. It's tough those first few months. BIG HUGS! And it is true, the years fly by, my baby is now 36 years old and I have six grandchildren! Treasure these times.
E tare frumos Iona al tau... Sper sa iti aduca numai bucurii atunci cand va fi mare!
OOOOOO Meda such a cutie. wish him happy days and to be very proud of his accomplishments...
hello Meda,
baby is so sweet! like all of the other ladies who have commented please treasure these moments, they go by so fast.....pretty soon he'll be sitting up by himself and crawling all over your home, LOL!
take care of yourself
hugs, Valerie
Only your Faith in our Father can be a greater love than the love of a Mother with Child. You made me smile with your post ... it reminded me of my own feelings so long ago when my DS and DD were born. Just relax, open your heart to the incredible love to come ... and enjoy!
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