I am currently taking a pause from blogging.
The main reason.....

Iona is 3 weeks now but still keeps me more busy than I ever imagined he would.
We are both well and healthy, learning to navigate this world together.
I also haven't fully stopped working so, a few hours a day I am making invitations.
felicitariiiii! ce micut si ce dragut! ma bucur mult pentru voi si faci bine sa/ti iei o mica pauza in a posta pe blog. va doresc acomodare usoara si sa va bucurati de pasii facuti impreuna in aceasta viata de acum inainte.
Честита рожба - прекрасна е! Бъдете здрави!
Felicitări! Fericire şi sănătate.
Congratulations.....he is so beautiful...and you look a very happy Mummy.
I pray God's Blessings on your family, enjoy every moment of your wonderful new son....and give Daddy a big hug too!!!
In sfarsit ai venit cu noutati, Meda:). Ma bucur nespus de mult pentru voi. Pun pariu ca in cativa ani Iona o sa te ajute la invitatii;)
Multa sanatate!
Cu drag,
Felicitari! Sa cresteti mari, voiosi si sanatosi!
Thank you, Meda for letting us know. I believe, so many of us were sending you good wishes!:) Enjoy this time with your little one-it's so precious and wonderful!:)
Felicitari ! Cuvintele chiar nu reusesc sa mi le gasesc sa poata exprima cat mai bine ceea ce va doresc ! Sanatate , fericire , noroc ,belsug ....
Va pup !
Congrats Meda!!! What a blessing!!! Enjoy this special time in your life!!! It goes by too fast!!
What a cutie, Meda! So happy he is with us. Enjoy your time with him. They grow so fast!
Congrats Meda!! Your baby is gorgeous!!:) Enjoy every precious moment.
Hugs Lora xx
YAYAYAYAYAYAY Meda!!!! Oh goodness, he's a little angel!!! Seriously sweet! I'm so so so happy for you! I can't wait to see more pictures!
HUGE hugs and congratulations!
Congratulations Meda !!!! He's so cute. Great to know you're both well. Best wishes for Iona.
Felicitari, multa sanatate si ...multa rabdare !!!
Te asteptam cu noi creatii pe blog !
My he has grown already since the pictures of him when he was born. Happy days are in front of you all, the joy of having a baby in the home...
Take care...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx
Felicitari pentru rolul de mama! Bucura/te de fiecare clipa petrecuta cu Iona.e o scumpete!
Oh Meda, he is delicious! I am so happy for you...take the time to savor every moment.
Felicitari!! Sa iti traiasca, sa fie sanatos, voios, voinic si sa va bucurati de el ca e un scump!
Congratulations to you and your husband and welcome Iona.
So happy he arrived safe and sound and you are back to working a wee bit each day.
Congratulations Meda!
you and baby look wonderful
looking forward to seeing lots more pictures of him! take care and enjoy
hugs, Valerie
Welcome Iona! And Congratulations Meda, to your husband too! You're an artist and all you do is simply beautiful, but the most fantastic artcraft you did is your baby!!
A big hug
He is a blessing! Congrats!
Mamico, felicitari! Primeste te rog acest tag de la mine, il gasesti pe blogul meu.
Lumina si pace,
Imi plac mult invitatiile create de tine, ma uimeste de fiecare data cand ma uit pe site-ul tau. Mi-am facut singura invitatiile de nunta si pana la momentul in care am ales ce tip de invitatie va fi m-am uitat pe multe site-uri, de multe ori al tau a aparut in cautarile mele. Mi-a parut chiar rau ca nu am stiut de tine mai devreme, ca sa apelez la serviciile tale, insa din cauza timpulu scurt nu am avut de ales.
Nu stiu daca poti obtine drepturi de "copy right" pentru modele tale insa poti sa cauti mai multe informatii si in felul asta, poate persoanele care iti copiaza creatiile pot fi trasi la raspundere. Insa asa cum spui si tu calitatea "creatiilor" produse de ei nu se aseamana cu a ta.
Felicitari pentru bebe si mult succes.
There couldn't be a more beautiful "reason" for letting the rest of the world simply turn as it does, Meda. The look speaks volumes!
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