One of the things I greatly miss are my long childhood walks in the forest near our home. Since then so many things have changed that it is no longer safe to wonder by yourself in such areas so I am only left with the nostalgia of past years. I am really hoping my son will bring back a part of that: climbing trees and pretending they are space ships, running through tall grass fields, admiring wild flowers in their natural habitat. I am thinking of all these while waiting for him to be born.... any day, any minute now.

Some of that love of nature is back with me in the studio while creating. Like this mini album: I made it because I had some black cardstock left from a previous project and also to repurpose a lovely card I had received years ago. I decided to say goodbye to most of the cards I have been collecting, but I am saying goodbye in my own way: by transforming them in something else, by giving them a new life.

Notice the oak leaf? Someone sent it to me in a card swap years ago and I have been hoarding it ever since. What's with me and oak leaves? Anyway, it was time to say goodbye and so I did.

The album stayed with
Bianca for a while but she has just announced me it has found a new home. She is helping me clear out the huge scrap piles I have gathered over the past 5 years and through it gaining a new interest for bookbinding. You will be certainly seeing more of our shared projects.
I am looking forward to the new bookbinding
Bookbinding! A perfect additional outlet for you, Meda! I have one hand-made bookbinding project, and I so admire the workmanship .. the patience!
Sending sweet thoughts for a smooth welcome to your impending blessing!
Asa fac si eu cand pui tu ceva nou. Si citesc pe nerasuflate randurile pe care le scrii. Si ma minunez de ce albume faine poti face si ce limpede te exprimi pe tine prin lucrarile tale.
this is so great!
Hi Meda,
Have been praying for you and the safe delivery of your baby.....hope all is well.
Hello from Estonia :) just wanted to say - i like your wedding designs :) i am designing my owns too, you are welcome to my blog :) and i am also expecting a baby boy soon :)
hello Meda!
it's been over a week since your last post and I'm hoping that means you've had you darling baby????
if you did would you let us know how you and baby are doing?
you're in my thoughts and prayers
hoping to say congratulations soon, LOL!!
hugs, Valerie
buna! e ceva timp de cand nu ai mai postat. esti ok? sau... a venit pe lume bebita???? daca da... va pup si va doresc clipe fericite impreuna.
Varianta nr. 2
Suntem foarte bine, dar blogul e la coada in lista prioritatilor.
Revenim cand crestem mai mari. Acum nu avem inca nici 2 saptamani.
Felicitari! Si asteptam sa auzim numai de bine! Ma bucur ca sunteti bine! Sa cresteti mari cat mai repede si sa reveniti impreuna pe blog ;)!
Numai bine!
Ma bucur tare sa aud (citesc) despre tine/despre voi. Multa putere si energie iti doresc si bebe sa va aduca multe bucurii. Cu drag, Anca
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