I have just finished making a set of save-the-dates for a September wedding.
The wedding theme is "Autumn Romance" and working with the bride was such a smooth going and rewarding process that I can only feel fulfilled after completing them.
I am so looking forward to making the invitation design!

The flowers were made completely by hand. I could have used my cutting dies, but I preferred cutting by hand
Laura style.

Although at the beginning of the year I was debating whether to show you current projects or not, I decided to continue not posting images of my newest designs at least until the wedding they were made for. This will not only ensure my brides have unique never-seen-before stationary but will also protect my designs from
copy cats. This way, when I share a design, I will have long before come up with something better. As a stationary artist my most important goal is to overcome myself every day and above all LOVE my work.
Faci niste poze superbe! Imi plac si florile, musai va trebui sa incerc sa fac si eu macar o data.
They are beautiful flowers. Good idea to wait to show your work. There will always be someone who is a copier. We can protect out drawings and images as artists with the copyrights, but it is hard to do anything at all to protect the finished projects. It is unfortunate.
I don't want to spend my creative time and energy through law suits, Shelley. A copy will always be a copy and those persons who copy others' work will never feel the fulfillment an authentic artist feels when creating an original piece of art whether it is a drawing or a stationery piece.
De acord cu tine, pana la urma facatura ramane facatura,dar totusi e pacat de munca pe care o depui si mai ales de pasiunea cu care creezi.
Mi-au placut de la inceput floriile Laurei si ti-au iesit foarte fain.chiar ai putea spune ca sunt naturale.
Gorgeous paper flowers from your skilled fingers, Meda! Such warm & wonderful colors indeed.
I hope you're feeling well & taking good care.
(((hugs))) from TX
Oh, Meda...I think I was the first one to read your post yesterday (there was 0 comments then) but did not write anything...then could not fall asleep for a long time...thinking to write or not to write...perhaps it is not such a big deal but since I really don't want to be called a copycat, I think I better mention that I showed the same technique flowers for wedding invitations a few days earlier(Feb 21 and Feb 24) on my blog. Had no-one to link to for the tutorial bcs I learned to make them some 15 yrs ago at school class (I don't use starch and brads, however) but the main idea is the same.
I do see that your flowers imitate autumn leaves (am I right?)...mine are more spring and summer-like...and just like you I haven't showed the finished invitation yet:)
Juliana,I haven't invented making the flowers. I don't take credit for that. Copy cats copy the entire design. They only change a color or 2. They follow my blog and try to find out what materials and tools I use, where I sell my designs and they do the same. When I go to their blogs I can recognize my paths.
And that wouldn't be a problem either because nobody can reinvent the wheel, but they don't give credit for what they take. So they basically take and give nothing back, not to mention the e-mails full of lies they are sending me with the same purpose of finding out more of the things I don't explicitly tell on the blog.
Have a look at this post:
Meda, I not only read but also commented on that post:) but I am glad I understand your stand on this better now. Thank you:)
These handmade flowers are no in latest trends such that I have seen these flowers at many places and they can also be used for interior decoration.
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