About my last post, I have found more than one person shamelessly copying my work.
Look at this one for example:

Here is mine:

I love to create and that is why I am doing it, but I usually spend one week ore more to come up with the perfect design. Also I am trying to do one of a kind design for every bride and I don't want another hundred to have the exact same invitation.
Third and last for today.
I have a lot of baby cards to share. Thank you ladies for sending them my way. I have to make myself a photo box so I can take some decent photos now that I have to share my studio with a baby room.
iooooooooi ce mari sunteti voi! :) Si ce pufoooooooosi!
Se vede ca v-ati cumintit...acum aveti chef de vorba si de joaca D-le Iona!
Lasa-i incolo de copiatori nesimtiti! S-au prins toate ca la tine pe blog apar modele de invitatii si copiaza la greu! E mult mai usor decat sa gandeasca pentru ele... oricum nu cred ca ar avea aceasta capacitate.
Ce sa mai spun. Nesimtirea e pe toate gardurile la noi :(.
Bucura-te tu de "invitatia" ta originala si draguta... vai ce as vrea sa vin sa va vaaaaaaad! Sa le facem poze impreuna la mogaldeti :)...daca se mai cuminteste si a mea. Hehe
Va pupam & don't be sad!
That is very natural skill.We like to Purcha these handmade card.
Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze pe toti 3, ma bucur asa mult pentru tine, dragutza ... e asa minunat cu sufeletelele acestea alaturi de noi....te pup si multa sanatate, LOREDANA
He is growing so fast...just adorable. Sorry people are still copying your invitations.
Frustarea ta e de inteles. Pe de alta parte e un risc asumat atunci cand alegi sa iti publici creatile. Din pacate nu sunt doar beneficii.
Camelia draga, asta-i gandire de roman. Eu le-am pus acolo ca lumea sa se poata inspira si astfel sa se dezvolte creativitatea la nivel global.
Si la scoala cand exersam diferte tehnici o faceam reproducand tablourile marilor maestri, dar nu mergeam sa le expunem drept lucrai proprii.
E o diferenta intre a invata prin imitatie si a vinde lucruri pentru care altii au stat zile intregi sa iasa asa cum sunt.
Your card / invitation is lovely and it truly is frustrating when you have someone not only coping your work but also the colors too. I just found your blog through Passionately Artistic and I am now following.
Well some people will do this but looking at yours you can see the quality is so much nicer! Don't put yourself down hon your work is fabulos and the people who order your stuff know it. Beside that is a compliment to you that they feel the need to copy!
Hello. I love your work. Just wanted to let you know that I've done the same invites and this is my first time coming to your blog. I would hate for you to say I stole your work when these invites are very popular. I've used the same colors as well. Maybe they didn't steal your work...
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