Thursday, November 15, 2012

Handmade Album with Roses, Grape Vine and Metallic Frame (Caiet amintiri/album cu trandafiri, frunze de vita si rama metalica.)

Can you tell I took 3 days off from the studio? My mom who is usually staying with Iona while I work was out of time so I enjoyed this time of being with my son and blogging during nap time. This is a scheduled post. By the time you are reading it I will already be away for work.

This is probably my favorite from the batch of guestbooks I made last month for the wedding fare. The more I look at it I realize it can also be used as photo album for a baby girl.
The metal frame is perfect for adding a name.

There are 20 sheets of black 300gsm paper bound in the old coptic way.
Sale price: $50


Am avut 3 zile libere, ceea ce explica posarile zilnice. De azi ma intorc la atelier, dar am vrut sa va las cu acest caiet de amintiri sau, uitandu-ma mai bine, cred ca l-as folosi ca album de poze pentru o fetita. Rama metalica e perfecta pentru a pune in e aun nume.

Are 20 foi negre de 300 g/mp legate printr-o metoda antica.
Pret $50.

Here is a picture of the first batch of guestbooks. I made a few more later, after this photo shoot.

Iata-l printre celelalte caiete realizate la inceputul lunii trecute in colaborare cu Ermiona Weddings.

1 comment:

les jeux de l'été said...

Interesting thoughtts