Saturday, November 3, 2007

R is for Ruben (R de la Ruben)

This is a coaster album I have made for a friend's baby pictures. Actually only the covers are coasterts and the rest is regular heavy cardstock. It's a great way to keep your most pretious pictures in your purse and have them on hand wherever you go. The ribbon keeps it tightly closed.
Am făcut acest album pentru bebeluşul unei prietene. Coperţile sunt din carton gros (suporturi de pahare), iar celelalte pagini din carton de 300 gmp. Albumul închis este suficient de mic pentru a fi purtat în poşetă iar panglica îl ţine bine închis. Aşa poţi avea mereu la tine cele mai preţioase fotografii!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, your friend is going to LOVE this coaster album for her baby! You're right! It's an excellent way to keep some pictures available to show & tell!