Many of you have noticed my blog has a new look. This Royal Red is my favorite color when it comes to design. I think it's the most elegant color. Actually I didn't plan for the new look. I stumbled upon this background on my computer while searching for some sort of a swirl to make a background paper for the wedding invitations I'm designing at the moment. I tried the background on the blog and...wow! ... I suddenly felt like changing my blog aspect completely. It was all done in 1 hour.
Now what about the "Royal Chocolates"? Well, I love my new blog so much that I have decided to give one of you the chance to change your blog's looks. I wanted to call it "Blog Candy" first but then I thought: "Hey, that name doesn't match your new look!" and changed it. Why "Royal Chocolates"? Because I love fantasy and I love stories about princesses and castles and noble heroes and this blog is the place where I can be just that and leave out reality :)
Here are the details: You have to leave a comment to this post and tell me 2 things:
#1. What do you think about my new blog layout? (honestly)
#2. Indicate one blog whose design you like most. (any on the internet)
What do you win?
I'll use random org to pick a winner on Sunday evening (7pm GMT). The winner will get a custom designed header for her/his blog. Also, I'll ask the winner to post the Royal Chocolates Badge on his/her blog to give me credit for the design. We'll discuss the design details afterwards.
Please be back on Sunday to see who the winner is.
Multi ati observat probabil ca mi-am schimbat design-ul blogului. Totul s-a datorat imaginii pe care o vedeti acum in background si pe care am gasit-o intamplator pe calculator in timp ce cautam niste inflorituri pentru invitatiile la care tocmai lucrez. Am incercat noul background pe site, mi-a placut, si intr-o ora am adus design-ul la stadiul in care este acum.
"Ciocolata Imperiala" este denumirea pe care i-am dat-o eu faimosului "Blog Candy" si are legatura cu pasiunea mea pentru fantezie: povesti cu printese, palate si razboinici.
Iata detaliile: Trebuie sa faceti un comentariu la acest articol in care sa precizati 2 lucruri:
#1. Ce parere aveti despre noua "'faţa" a blog-ului meu? (sincer)
#2. Care este blogul al carui design va place cel mai mult? (orice blog de pe internet)
Ce castigati?
Voi folosi un generator de numere aleatoare ca random org pentru a desemna un castigator duminica la ora 7pm GMT (10 seara ora Romaniei). Acesta va primi un header nou nout pentru blogul sau. De asemenea, voi ruga castigatorul sa-si posteze insigna Royal Chocolates pe blog pentru a-mi credita design-ul. Detaliile le vom stabili dupa.
Va astept duminica pentru a vedea cine este castigatorul.
1.I really like your layout. The colors are nice. the only thing I would change is the purple writing for blog list. It is a little hard for me to read, other than that I really like it. But the over all look is very rich.
2. I love the Pioneer woman's blog. Love the layout and the reader friendly aspect of her site.
I would like to win! my daughter might be upset as she did my header, which I do like, but would love something more inspiring.
Thanks for the contest.
I already told you I love the new look! Very rich and very warm! And I love chocolate! A tiny hint!
I like MamaDini's blog at http://mamadinis.blogspot.com
Thanks for the chance to change my looks ;)
Great new layout Meda, I really like the richness of the colour!
I like anyblog with a clean layout, with the odd burst of bold colour, not really sure of any particulars at the moment but I know I've seen them.
what a gorgeous colour, i can understand why its your favourite,
such a richness,
the blog i like apart from yours is Vals
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