I haven't posted anything for a long time and I am still very busy making invitations after work. Still I wanted to show you the blog banner I made for Lindsay, the winner of the last Royal Chocolates. You can also see it online on Lindsay's blog.
Nu am mai publicat nimic de multa vreme si sunt in continuare foarte ocupata cu invitatiile pe care le fac seara cand ma intorc de la birou. Totusi, doream sa va arat banner-ul pe care l-am facut pentru blogul lui Lindsay, castigatoarea ultimului joc Ciocalata Imperiala. Puteti sa-l vedeti si online pe blogul ei.
Meda, it's beautiful! I love it! I have missed seeing your work!
Hi Meda. I saw your banner on the winner's blog, you did a great job !
BEAUTIFUL! You do such great work!
Linda from MGC group :)
Oh, da si mie imi place mult! Esti un artist complet, Meda!
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