This is a card I made in September, soon after I got back from a vacation at the Black Sea.
I'm still waiting for those hot days to come back, although I know that long icy winter is coming next.
This card is 100% handmade, including the image which is hand drawn. As you probably noticed, I am trying to take my art skills to a next level which is good drawing and watercolors skills, so my latest cards all have hand drawn images (also because I don't have too many stamps). The umbrella is colored with Derwent watercolor pencils and the sky with watercolors that come in tubes (by Louvre).
Another thing I like about this card is that it uses scraps (except the card base). The background is made from little squares cut out from a phone company flier and some green patterned paper leftovers from some wedding invitations I made last year. The flowers are hand cut or punched from wrapping paper and other scraps from my stash.
The shiny stuff on the image is transparent embossing powder with glitter.

Aceasta e o felicitare pe care am facut-o in septembrie dupa o vacanta la Marea Neagra pentru un schimb de felicitari cu tema "umbrela". Inca mai am impresia ca ar trebui sa se intoarca acele zile calde de vara, desi stiu foarte bine ca urmeaza iarna. Felicitarea este 100% realizata manual, inclusiv imaginea pe care am desenat-o cu mana (nu am folosit o stampila). Poate ati observat ca incerc sa-mi duc abilitatile artistice la un nivel superior (desen in creion combinat cu acuarela), motiv pentru care ultimele felicitari se bazeaza exclusiv pe desene proprii. Umbrela este colorata cu creioane acuarel de la Derwen, iar cerul cu acuarele in tub de la Louvre. Un alt lucru care imi place la aceasta felicitare este ca am folosit doar resturi de materiale ramase de la alte proiecte (o harta de pe un pliant reclama, hartie verde cu flori ramasa de la niste invitatii de anul trecut din care am facut fundalul cu patratele, hartie de ambalat cadouri si alte resturi de hartie colorata pentru flori.) Ceea ce luceste peste imagine e un praf cu sclipici care o data topit se transforma intr-un fel de glazura.
Oh Meda! You drew the images?
You have talents that have yet to be tapped. I am convinced of this! Keep up this beautiful expressiion of your talents! Bravo, my friend!
Oh, Meda, yjis is so very pretty! Love the beautiful colours and the hand drawn image is so good! You are so talented! I can't even draw a good stick figure! More power to you :) Hope to see more!
what gorgeous work, your certainly a star, keep up the fantastic work,
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